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Wel, well well.
If the title of this here email doesnt cause more than a few unsubscribes yours truly will be a Monkeys stunned Uncle and eat his non existent hat.
No, I don’t even have a MAGA hat.
I don’t know why, but I’ve never been able to stand hats. Sunglasses, of course are an entirely different matter, especially them aviators I love so much.
Now, what am I yapping about now you ask.
Well, it is this.
I literally shook things out during today’s workout without meaning to, and as I felt the unmentionables “shake and flop up and down”, I was tyring to stop it, but couldn’t.
Innuendos aside (and no, this ain’t because youre “also on the other list” – most of y’all “aint) here is the point of me saying it.
Multiple, actually!
One being it seems yous truly is losing weight by the day. Truly what I say in Advanced Hill Training, and whil eI haven’t embarked on the X/workout standards for a long time, I am NOW.
Funny part, and even better.
I ain’t got no hill right now in terms of the workouts.
(Reminds me of when I got in the best shape of my life with nothing but 0 Excuses Fitness … Ah, and Cindy as well. she helpedout in a way most people wouldn’t dream of!
Thank you, Cindy. I truly DO MEAN IT. )
In fact, I don’t even head out to my beloved park bro.
All at home.
And by doing less rather than more, I’m LOSING weight daily, and this “clothes hanging off me” is likely what caused the effect I’m mentioning.
Not to mention a week or so ago I took (or was it two weeks) an extended break due to being hit by the plague from China (or a varaint thereof, I truly do believe).
And I covered that before, of course.
But anyway, thats one reason.
How does it apply to you?
Well, self explanatory even for those of you that need to be mollycoddled and handheld, and there seem to be too many of them bees buzzing around, hehe.
Th ebees and then you have the birds that FLY …
OK, sorry. Couldn’t keep of the innenundos, hehe (or the typos for that matter).
This editor I’m using right now doesn’t auto corret like MS WORD does.
And thats a good thing, hehe. For me at least.
And now, point #2, and as I told my little girl about handstand pushups a while ago.
“All problems in life can be solved by doing handstand pushups!”
“Really, Dad?”
“Really”, I laughed. But I meant it.
The increased blood flow to the head which you get from doing handstand pushups or even handstands is BEYOND BELIEF, and CANNOT BE REPLICATED.
No, not even while doing pull-ups.
(and on that note, it behooves me to say I’m NOT doing pull-ups as of late, despite having focused on them for a while now, and the reason – well – thos eof you following my emails thus far will know why, hehe. Or you should, anyway).
If not, get on the train!
But yeah.
You feel better, and you think better.
Not to mention the overall physical benefits and heart thumping.
And shoulders like boulders, of course, and THINKING is really how you move ahead in life my friend, provided you back that thought up with ACTION at the right time.
(But really. There is no right time for the most part. Kinda like having kids. No “right time”!)
And here’s the thing.
Spacing ’em out.
I told my little one to at least 50 during the day.
She will probably do 5. Hehe.
But even that at the age of 7 is great!
And if YOU Want to get to the levels that I once told my friend from the Marines who said “100 pull-ups per workout is hard for anyone!”
… here it is.
The infamous quote from yours truly, as brutally honest as ever (this actually came a day or so after I hurt my chin doing handstand pushups)
(and thats why I say be carefful. Remember that nasty ass THUMB injury on that cold wet night for one!!!?)
“100 pull-ups are easy if you work up to it bro”, I said. “But now 100 HANDSTAND PUSHUPS per workout! Now thats something! And daily!”
His response was this …
“Youre goddamned right” (said via one of those oh-so-popular WeShat stickers…)
And so was he, hehe.
But really.
There are many keys to getting to that level.
Most obvious being getting Battletank Shoulders, for one, and doing what it tell syou to do without useless questions and no “I wonder if it will work”BS.
But the other part is this – do ’em throughout the day.
This applie sto whatever you wanna get good at.
Writing is hard, you say?
Well, write more, and write all throughout the day at regular intervals.
Pretty soon you’ll be up to 20,000 words a day ….
Handstand pushup BE Hard, you say ?
They are.
No doubt.
But to make them easier, do ’em in sets throughout the day like I am currently to work back up to levels which I …well, never touched (I used to do 50 -70 per workout as opposed to 100 which I’m shooting for now).
What I do is do ’em in sets of 10 throughout the day.
Easy Peasy my friend.
And one fine day, I’ll do them in 100 per workout cadence …
For you, the reader, this coul be getting up into a handstand and holding for time multiple times a day.
I dont know … Depends on your situation.
All an individual situation.
But really, you get the “point”, hehe.
And on that pointy (no pun intended!) I’m out.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – And no, you cannot jump to “Battletank Shoulders” first without doing “Shoulders like Boulders” first, so please do NOT ask. A fair compromise might be to get both courses though and implement #1 before, or just get #1, and work on that FIRST. Whichever way, the point STANDS! (pun INTENDED, hehe).
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