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Many years ago, or I should “when I was born” yours truly was born with many unique gifts. Like we all are!
And yours truly was born with a mind, will power, and an insatiable desire to “keep getting back up after beating down in a bloody manner” (not always literally – but sometimes, yes).
Something that annoys the heck out of most people for whatever reason, and appeals to my biggest supporters, big time.
And something that is a hallmark of EVERY successful person down the ages no matter what field we’re referring to.
But this isn’t about that.
Fitness wise, I’ve been born with crappier genetics than you’d think (and that most don’t believe).
I cannot tell you how I want to BARF when I hear, for instance, that “oh, it’s easy for you!”
No it ain’t my friend. It never was.
I was never the biggest or strongest guy at school.
I was never naturally good at pushups, and the only fitness advice I got when growing up was “lift pink dumbbells for 15 minutes a day” as that “will make the muscles on the arms sprout!”
(all the while, of course, while those that told me that marveled at the “bods on screen” and said “they did it”, but you? “he thinks he’s so strong!” )
(And when I did do it, and better, of course, the first thing my SO told me? You need to gain some weight! Pronto!)
LOL – can’t win for losing eh.
But anyway, point of this being.
Pull-ups. As an example.
I am the body type that puts on weight VERY easily, and it’s VERY NOTICEABLE (perhaps thats why people point it out a lot?LOL again).
But the flip side to this is … when I GET IN SHAPE (or stay in shape) then I truly do “look like a movie star” in many ways.
Really. No kidding.
Or like “my back is built” and “I go to the gym (natural gym)”
And so forth.
And so I effectively turned what was a disadvantage into an advantage by first working my weak areas heavily.
You truly are as strong as the weakest links in your chain!
And the other key to this?
Never be embarassed or shy about your disadvantages (provided it’s something you can’t do much about at the time).
In fact, EMBRACE them and be OPEN about them!
And you have to look no farther than President Trump right now whose doing all he can NOT to give up while the babel around him to “concede” what is obviously a “bought” election rises in volume and intensity.
Trump got where he was by defying the odds. And though he might lose this battle, he WILL win the WAR.
Moving on from that, I’ve mentioned my other site being down havent I?
Again, for no real “fault” of mine (something I really couldn’t control).
I anticipated it being down for a week or so, no more.
It’s been two and counting …
I’ve got posts written up, searing HOT posts written and ready to go.
When the site did get online for a brief while, I posted three of these.
BAM. Down again! (and no, it ain’t this site or the rahulmookerjee.com site I’m referring to).
I stopped posting again. “Waited” for the other site to be back up.
But all the while, the posts were “gnawing” to be posted …
… and I did it.
I posted on my Medium account for that site, although I’d originally planned fo r them to go on MY site first and anywhere else later.
But, do what you can. Do SOMETHING!
And a few minutes after I did it, the sale I made on Amazon vilified what I did.
Not only that – I was pretty open about the fact the site was down(and that we’re working to get it back up asap)
Moral of the story is?
Don’t back away from your weaknesses my friend.
EMRACE them.
And then LEARN from them – and GROW from them. And beat ’em!
Hit ’em where it hurts the hardest, and one of the ways you can do that is THIS way!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – For those of you struggling to do pull-ups , here is the course that will GET you there.
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