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I’m going to say something that might sound contradictory here.
Or it might not,depending upon if you’ve been paying attention …
But first, a bit of a flashback.
When I wanted to get good at Hindu squats, I went all out.
I dont mean I shot for maximum reps (ok, I know, hehe) daily…
But I DID do ‘em daily. I did them multiples times a day. I did everything I advocate YOU to do in my books, for that matter.
Yours truly treat his body like a “test subject” BEFORE I put them in the books so you can be damn sure what I say WORKS, and how!
And soon enough, I improved. Rapidly.
Same thing for pushups (certain versions).
And even before all this, the almighty pull-up which I tackled in a manner I don’t really advocate most people to.
It was without doing two of the things I mention in the new book on it (when I say “new”, I mean the current book on pull-ups which was modified in 2017).
One being I did NOT work on the supplementary exercises mentioned in the book.
Thats one thing, and hence what I wrote about doing pushups out of the blue one day, and a simple set of 15 pushups (regular) causing me SORENESS for days later (indeed, I could barely lift up my arms to take a shower that afternoon post workout!).
This from a guy who was banging out 100 pull-ups per set.
Maybe .
But it’s true!
And therefore, the section on supplementary exercises in the book which not only allow you to get BETTER at pull-ups quicker – and build up all the required muscles, tendons, etc, but also ensure that the other important exercises aren’t neglected.
But there is one thing I didnt put in the book, pretty much because a lot of people will “take it the wrong way”.
That being, to do LESS – not more.
And if I could re-do the book yet again, I might put that in as well!
For now though, I’ve been working on an advanced version of a pull-up (as we type).
Not a muscle up. It’s a gymnastic pullup which takes pull-ups to another level altogether, specifically, the nigh on innovative “Swami” Pull-up mentioned in “Pull-ups – from STUD to SUPER STUD within WEEKS!) (and no, I’m not trying to turn you into a long haired Baba either, heh).
(Hmm, thats interesting. My editor auto crossed out the words above!)
The specifics don’t matter for now.
But this, and a few advanced versions of jumping rope for that matter were what I was doing the past few weeks (before I put out Jump Rope Mania! Which just “came” – and I know. I know!).
Did I do ‘em daily?
I didnt plan on doing them any which way.
I, and I can hear many gnashing their teeth – just did it.
Turned out I did the toughies at most twice a week, and when I got back to it?
I could do ‘em like NOTHING.
Adaptation, my friend, and no, this ain’t an excuse to sit on your ass and do nothing either.
You keep doing something daily, but you dont go all out – and you don’t go super tough daily!
And the results might astound you if you try this with some of the advanced workouts I’ve given you.
All for now – back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – I’ve got tougher stuff coming down the pike – stay tuned!
PS #2 – But for those of you that just want to get fit – and strong – and hale and healthy as a horse , really, you dont need to go advanced. Most people dont. You CAN, but you dont “need to”. THIS here is the System that will accomplish all you “need” and then some – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
(and within a very quick timeframe to boot as well)(.
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