Bald man giving yours truly how advice on how to grow HAIR

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I had the misfortune of having that “once a year” conversation with my mother yesterday.

And of course, and as predicted it didnt go well.

“Rahul is always wrong” went the mournful, “hang dog expression” nutter like chant (as if she was a Chief Justice on the Supreme Court or something).

Apparently because I don’t “work a job” and “sit at home” I haven’t done anything with my life.


And apparently this same woman whose NEVER WORKED a job in her WHOLE LIFE – NEVER EARNED A HONEST penny – or a penny at all – never done squat all other than be “pandered to” saw fit to start some stupid conversation about “you should be doing something esle with your life”.

Of course, it was all an indirect ploy to find out how much money I have in my account. Hehe.

And of course, to find out “what I do”.

I’ve often spoken about NOT telling people what you do – and just doing it first.

And I’ve been following this dictum for YEARS now.

Tell the world what you’re going to do, but SHOW them first.

Actually, I suspect my parents know what I do. Of course, it doesnt fit their requirements, so they’ve never approved.

And sneakily, I’m pretty sure they’re reading these posts as well, and finding every opportunity to pan me online … much like the Bozo is doing right now. Last I heard Scofield was running riot on Facebook, but he seemed to have missed the part about me not getting on social media any more.



And this doesnt seem to be confined to me either.

Spoke to a friend the other day who has much the same relationship with his Mom.

Conversation started out cordial, and then she started going off about “them damn Chinese” (he’s with a chinese girl as of now).

He was into his fourth beer.

Didnt end well on either side. LOL again.

But it reminds me of my own mother when my wife was pregnant.

“Abort the child! You’re not fit to be parents”, she wailed up and down.

If there EVER was a prime match for Bozo Schofield and his antics, it is my mother. Sad, but true!

And more on a bald man giving advice to yours truly on how to grow hair.

Reminds me of the jackass that showed up when I was working out outside and doing pull-ups.

“You need to work your mind more!”

And then of course, when I started to get pissed off (without even knowing it) he took off like the WIND.

So quickly that it done surprised yours truly even!

Lesson to be learnt from all this?

First, and what I should have hammered home to my mom yesterday (not that it would have made an iota of difference).

DO the thing first before babbling on about topics you know NOTHING about.

And I’d say the same thing to the joke jobs who tell you that “pull-ups are worthless” because they secretly WANT to be able to do the same thing.

My mother is one of the MOST frustrated persons ever with her own life.

And she gets pandered to. Not by me, but …

And so, naturally, the whole world and everyone is wrong except those that fit her own warped standards of how life “should be”.

Um, newsflash, Mommy. I ain’t 5 no mo. LOL.

But fitness wise, same thing applies.

Don’t listen to the bozos (and believe me, they can be very “persuasive” – negative people often are!) that tell you, for instance, that Hindu squats are “useless” and do nothing for you and that the “iron is where it’s at” (without even TRYING the former option).

Or, the nutjobs that tell you slaving away at a ridiculous “low level monkey job” (because some Bozo thought thats all you were good for ie to make HIM money and not YOU) for the rest of your life is the thing to do for “stability and security”.

You have got ONE life, bro.



Never back down on your desires to ANYONE, and IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE!

Believe me, this approach isn’t easy, but it has paid some of the richest and best dividends for yours truly over his life.

And thats what I’d advise you to do as well.

And thats what the 0 Excuses faithful DOES on a daily basis with their health, strength, and fitness.

Is it any wonder they’re leaping over mountains, CONQUERING their goals, and breaking barriers daily while the rest of the world moans about pandemics and wearing mask?

I think not, my friend.

Get ont he train HERE.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And NO, I’m not going to be correcting “grammatical” mistakens in this here email. IT be-eth what it is.

PS #2 – Have you checked out the most recent reviews on Pushup Central? Do so right HERE.

PPS – For those new to this list, or those not int he know with this entire “sad story” (LOL) – most my regular customers know (and hey, thats a tip right there if you’re listening and paying attention) – yours truly “sits at home” , workouts, and thats what he plans on doing for the remainder of his days as well. In the midst of doing all this he finds time to travel. He finds time to do things that the so called “suits” at the office would never dream of doing, couldn’t do, and never WOULD do, because they’re too scared to do so.

He actually LIVES in certain countries as opposed to watching about it on inane soap operas all day long.


He recommends you do too. Hehe.

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