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This “farmer protest” going on in India against the new and MUCH NEEDED farming laws the Modi government seems to have passed a while ago has gripped the entire globe.
It’s become an issue now internationally with Canada (the PM) speaking up for it (apparently he felt the protests were not being tolerated and in a democracy … ).
(And yet, I hardly ever see the same PM condemn China that way. Hehe).
And it’s seeped in everywhere there are Indians. Citizens or not, seems not to matter. Heck, even the WWE wrestlers (those of Indian origin) seem to be supporting it.
And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, or say something that goes against the grain, but …
… WHOA! Wait a minute. I love it!
Because guess what.
That one voice of REASON is usually RIGHT, and which is why people don’t want to hear it.
I am NOT for the farmer’s agitations in this case.
Now, for background, NM has basically made it such that all farmers are free to sell their produce at whatever rate to whoever basically – which opens up a LEVEL playing field for INTERNATIONAL companies to come to India.
Somethign that should have been done in the 1980’s, but never was. Some protest or the other. Some BS or the other. Some government looking the other way.
In today’s India, supposed to be a “world power”, there is scarcity of water and power. The BASICS of life often go missing, and it’s “acknowledged”, but never taken care of.
People are “used to it” to the extent that when you say something about it, you hear angry voices of “thats how we are!”
But is that how “we” or anyone WANTS TO BE?
I think not!
Even walking down the street to get a beer, somethign which in China is as easy as pie (anywhere, actually) is a chore in India.
And I am ALL for a free market as is being advocated. Let the fittest surive. Nanny statism which has been going on for so long does NOT work – the USSR is one prime example.
Basically what WAS happening is that the farmers would get a fixed “rate” for their produce no matter what happened to it later (whether it sold or not, anything else, was a different issue).
NOT how the free market operates, bro.
And apparently the middlemen that make life hell for everyone that actually LIVES in India (hint – the NRI’s tom tomming from a distance do NOT count – if you’re that patriotic – LIVE in the damn place for one and EXPERIENCE what goes on in the country on a daily basis!) used to offer the farmers loans etc on an informal basis as well, which I suspect is the real reason they’re that ticked off.
(Ever wonder why the “NRI’s” holla from a distance, but leave the country in the first place?Or anyone that can does? I dont blame them, but …. gotta call a spade a spade here, brah).
Sorry, guys.
But much as i DISLIKE the current Narendra Modi government, credit where it’s due.
And he’s done the right thing, or trying to on this one.
As he rightly said, the nation has to change with the times.
And Kangana Ranaut, a social media personality (and I believe a Bollywood superstar as well) has gone against the grain by NOT supporting the protests when all else in her industry are.
I’ve read a few of her tweets.
She’s pretty much of the “yours truly” (or “Trump truly) bent of mind .
Say it like it IS – unapolegetically and boldly.
Regardless of the backlash, and Ms. Ranaut seems to be getting a fair bit of it as of late on all fronts!
Now, I dont know what other Tweets etc she’s sent. As I’ve said, I dont even get on social media anymore (unless it’s to check out a certain “Melanie’s” posts hehe – more on that later) … and I am NOT in the LEAST BIT interested in celebs (like I’ve said before).
But sometimes, that sole voice of reason does matter, simply because it’s the RIGHT thing being said.
The SENSIBLE thing.
And Ranaut is right on this one.
Make no mistake – it takes NOTHING away from the multiple and massive failures of the current admin in India, but again – credit where the same is due!
Now, why do I bring this up here?
Well, because I FEEL the same way many a times when battling the “yoga shmoga” and “can’t workout without long hours and a gym and mirrors and spandex and machines” Bozonators.
Or, in life, when I tell people to FOLLOW their dreams, and actually DO it – notj ust talk!
(and preferably talk AFTER doing what they said they would).
Precious few take that advice.
And thats fine.
I’m happy to be the VOICE of reason amongst the madness, and someone that gives it to you straight, unabridged and UNAPOLEGETICALLY.
It’s why my customers buy from me.
It’s why people follow me.
And end of the day, it’s why YOU guys are there on my list – and for that, a huge thank you!
All for now – back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – And no, I’m not going to change my opinion on this one, simply because the masses want me to.
PS #2 – HERE is where you can pick up the best damn fitness system ever!
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