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As the Trumpinator would no doubt say himself!
Or as “Eric” (was that his nickname, hehe) or as I call him “Tyrone Eric Blanks, ChatMaster El Supremo” once had to say …
Conversation RULES the nation.
IT does!
Flashback to Training Day, that all time favorite movie of mine ..
Denzel is reading a newspaper, and the rookie cop (Ethan Hawke) is trying to interrupt up with some inane nonsense (but in his defense, he was scared shitless) …
Finally Denzel gives up on trying to ignore him.
Slams the paper down.
“You know why I read this”, he asked.
Ethan shrugs in a “what did I do now” sort of manner.
“THIS”, points Denzel at the old news paper.
“This is 90% bullshit. But its entertainment. Thats why I read it!” he said.
He went on.
“You won’t let me read it!”
“So YOU entertain ME with your bullshit!” goes Denzel.
Tell me a story, he goes! (actually, this was BEFORE the above and before Denzel went off on him about the news paper part, and he DID ended up telling Denzel a lame ass story – LOL)
Truly a classic that movie is!
And Denzel is one of the BEST EVER. Hehe.
Now, point of me bringing this up here?
Is that this is one reason (and it’s obvious, really, if you can read between the lines or even if you can’t) as to why yours truly trumps sales , and outsells all the other Bozos out ther ethat claim “you need to educate” in your emails.
Or the easily offended Mama Boys and Mamas themselves in many cases who go the “how dare you” say it route!
And yet, turn on the TEE VEE or dumbphone to find out just who said what in exactly that same manner on their latest soap opera, movie star BS, or what not.
Lets fact it.
No-one likes to be sold.
Least of all by a boring BOT.
You want a human being to talk to. A real person. Someone you can RELATE TO!
And fitness wise (and the key to making sales, by the way is mentioned right there, but amazingly enough, most reading this won’t “get it”) … you can accuse my programs of many things my friend.
My brother! Or sister, sistah, whatever, hehe.
They are TOUGH.
They get results, and QUICK.
They leave you with NO excuses NOT to do the thing – thang, hehe.
But what you cannot say is they’re boring.
The variety and the NUMBER of workouts and exercises I give you in just ONE of my books, and there are many, are enough to last you a lifetime!
And thats yet another reason I don’t pander to or cater to price shoppers …
But anyway, thats it for now. Lots of tips – see i fyou can find some “value” heheh.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Pushups are one of those exercises that truly DO give you MAX bung for your BUCK. Find out how to do ‘em right here – Pushup Central.
(It “came out” as bung. LOL again. And yours truly doesnt edit!)
(But really, you get the point. Grab the course right here).
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