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Its that time of the year.
New year resolutions galore and so forth, only to be ignored a few days later after the “Euphoria” wears off.
We’ve all been there, haven’t we?
Yours truly doesnt believe in New Year’s Resolutions one damn bit but if you do, hey, thats fine. But I’ll bet that if you compared goals you set without a “new year’s resolution tag” attached to them to goals you just “set” – you’d have accomplished far more in the latter regard …
Just guessing.
Was I right?
Yeah. I thought so!
Anyway, that isnt the point. And without any further story telling, innuendos, bashing, or what not – here is the request (second only to the request to leave REVIEWS and genuine ones, or perhaps on PAR with that one).
Start living life again, my friend. Kick back the new normal crap to where it belongs – the DUSTBIN.
Nowehere’s ville!
2020 has been a rough year in many regards for all, and we have the plague that China sent over (along with their other antics – but really – the China plague is #1 on the list by far) to thank for it.
And we also have the PUBLIC that buys into the fear generated by this, essentially just a super flu of sorts to thank for it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. This thing spreads differently, supposedly mutates etc, but really. And I’ll boil my request down into three very concise points.
One, and most importantly, what next.
China done spread this thing, and bailed leaving the ROW to deal with it. Ever wonder why they had such low death rates and COVID in general while the thing is ballooning in the ROW until today?
Because they planned the damn thing for years.
Because they knew the panic it would generate in the ROW, and they knew that communist style lock down shock down would never work in most parts of the world.
Not everyone likes to live at gunpoint, you know …
… china knows!
And now, what?
They spread this thing, so whatcha going to do?
Mask up for the rest of your life? Run scared? Stay home?
Or give it one to the nads and proceed about your LIFE?
I mean, I’d say this to my immediate family first. Most would. But all of the family I “know” has bought into the far left mask wearing hoo haa to the point that they wear masks even when they’re not even coming in contact with anyone.
I mean, it’s RETARDED the number of people I see out there driving cars ALONE – with masks on!
Not that these damn masks stop anything. Last I heard this thing was supposed to be over by next year, but it doesnt look likely now does it?
Not to mention the new variant supposedly discovered in the UK, and of course Boris style lockdowns followed …
Hey, and befor eyou start jumping the gun on “how I’m heartless and cruel” – hear me out.
By no means I am saying dont socially distance or take precautions. If you’re in crowded settings, by all means wear masks if you think it’ll help you. IT wont, really, but if you think so – hey – thats your right to think that way and act that way and I support it.
(But please don’t tell yours truly anti mask to wear one, or you’ll be probably wearing one on the nose) …
On that note, request number TWO.
If you wear a damn mask, at least wear it properly. It’s insane the number of people I see with masks around their necks like some sort of fashion accessory on the INTernet or what not, and it isn;t limited to a few countries either.
OK I get it.
A lot of countries have imposed draconian mask laws and are fining the public obscene amounts for not wearing masks even when there is no chance of the person socially coming into contact with anyone except cops hungry for money that goes straight into the politicians’ pockets …
… Ever wondered though why economies are struggling globally despite all this?
I thought so!
Anyway, so I dont blame these people. NO-one wants to cough up a hefty fine, but still the point begets.
If enough people globally STOP wearing masks unless and until they’re absolutely warranted, these weird laws wouldn’t PASS anywhere. Or they wouldn’t be tolerated I should say.
Hitler only became the nasty evil phenom he did because he brainwashed and scared the public into submission in general.
Guess what the plague from China is doing to all countries globally …
And therein lies request #3.
Don’t buy into the panic, my friend.
Precautions, not panic.
It’s amazing that the leader of the world’s #1 country and many others say it, but precious few listen
I’m not a huge fan of how Trump is handling himself as of late, but overall, you won’t find a bigger Trump supporter than yours truly.
And he’s dead on right with regard to everything he says about the PRC – I’ll tell you that much!
So those are the three requests.
Let’s get back to normal in 2021, my friends (or do our LEVEL BEST). I think we’ve all had enough of this Corona horseshit!!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – And never fear, we are open throughout the holidays. Just a mouse click away, NO mask required, hehe. In fact I might put a “mask wearers” not allowed to combat the madness out there in terms of mandating the opposite onto free willed people who believe int hinking for themselves as opposed to the sheeple …
(Nah, I won’t. But you get the point, bro!)
(sincere request this one).
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