Speaking in forketh tongues and then some, and more!

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I noticed something interesting the other day.

On one of my other sites – a NON English themed site, though I’ve written in English, I send out daily emails (much like this one, more than ONE email a day although thats what I promise there too!).

Under promise and over deliver, my friend, is and has always been my mantra in all regards.

Fitness included!

But anyway, when I write in English, I’ve noticed that some of my emails get a lukewarm response.

But when I write to these people in their “own” language … then I get a far BETTER response.

IN one case, and this happened yesterday, I sent 68 email to a very “select” group of people.


Open rates for this group are usually around 50% or so (way higher than the norm, but again, thats the benefit you get from AGGRESSIVE CURATION, which is what I do on this site as well).

When I looked at the stats this afternoon tho?

I was nigh schoked.

So much so that … I GOGGLED.

Open rates were 98%!

And after analyzing it, I got it. I was speaking in their language to them!

And that got ‘em.

Yes, to the Bozos out there – I DO speak many languages, Mandarin Chinese included. Bet you didnt know that, hehe. Bet you CERTAINLY didnt know the last one either, did you? LOL.

Some things are best kept secret from ALL, including MOST people. Hehe.

Anyway, the reason my brutally honest style just flat out WORKS is this – it HITS HOME. And then makes people ACT – and get RESULTS!

Those that get upset about m e calling them fat get upset because I say it like it IS!

If I had said “they were a bit overweight”, they wouldnt care. Wouldn’t even notice.

But hitting right at the CORE is what gets results, my friend.

And thats one reason why yours truly is uniquely qualified to bring you all these products and courses, and indeed ADVICE in terms of LIFE, ACHIEVEMENT in any sphere, fitness included!!

It isn’t just the fact my stuff delivers, and way better than most others out there. It isn’t so much that I DO the thing – as opposed to a lot of “fitness experts” out there who to be frank are FAT.

Now, am I saying you gotta be in top shape to coach?

Or teach?


But you do have to look like you played the part at a certain point in time, at least!

And some of the so called gurus out there can’t even DO what they sell in their books – which is just PATHETIC to me.

Anyway, I just scrolled up. Lost track of what I was sayin.

But yeah.

Language. See what you can glean from it,and implement in your own BUSINESS – and/or LIFE.

I promise the results will beggar BELIEF.

Last, but not least, in terms of fitness again, brutally honest is the only language that WORKS.

And thats why I occasionally speak in forked tongues, but even then keep it very brutal.

Hard hitting and brutal.

That offends the vast majority of nuts out there.

And that is fine.

Thats me, and I’d rather be this way, and be known as the asshole that gets results as opposed to the nice guy going NOWHERE in life, hehe.

Take that with a pinch of salt in some regards.

But it’s true!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Get rid of the unsightly “Bubba like” flab hanging off your midsection NOW, my friend. Do it NOW. Delaying a decision that HAS TO BE MADE won’t work! Get the BEST course on this right now – right here – Corrugated Core.

PS #2 – I know. I got a big mouth. But hey, that mouth (or should I say what COMES OUT OF IT) gets RESULTS! (and no not in the Bozo like way of having it buried deep inside you kno wwhat, hehe).

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