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I have made NO secret of my so called erratic eating habits, have I?
That go completely CONTRARY to what the “experts” advocate.
And those habits in part got me in the best shape of my life.
Ditto for Herschel Walker and a host of other illumanaries mentioned in the 0 Excuses Fitness System and the simple and Effective Diet (the latter free with the former, of course, but you can buy it seperately too).
The Gama, for one, ate a diet that would make seven “normal” men balk.
Ditto for Arthur Saxon, old time Saxon strongman (REAL strongman, not the bloated idiots puffing their stuff and strut in the gym shyms today) ate even more. Probably one of those brothers ate like 10 men would – I’m NOT kidding – see the blog and a post last year for more on that!
Do a search, and you’ll find it.
And then you have the other extreme. Yours truly. Herschel Walker. And so forth.
You gotta do what works for YOU.
And sometimes in the most seemingly odd ways that get RESULTS.
The secret is so simple that it will elude most people even though it’s out there int he open. I’ve practically spelt it out for you!
But anyway, the Simple and Effective Diet has it CLEARLY mentioned in the very first part of the book, even before we begin the book “proper” as it were.
Now, another secret. Which shouldn’t be a secret at all, but it is.
Them quick workouts throughout the day do much more than just get you in super shape, build muscle and burn nasty LARD.
At record speeds I might add.
They also increase productivity – big time.
You knew that, I’m sure. I get at least THREE hours of productivity for every 30 minutes of working out (and I normally do 15 minute bursts) and to me, thats a great investment throughout the day.
Hence my “prodigous” output in all regards (dont go there, hehe).
But they also curb HUNGER.
I’ve BARELY eaten anything today.
Not because I can’t.
There’s chocolate and beer staring me in the face for one, right now …
And I’ll probably have a few beers, or a whiskey or what not soon.
But, for now, I’m not even feeling hungry.
And for those of you that feel the need to snack all day long, and thus cut into your gains (because you can’t seem to stick to snacking on apples and other healthy stuff) – well this might just be the ticket for you.
Try it.
Let me know how it goes.
And on that note I’m out . Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Remember that while exercise is king, diet is queen and together, as the great Jack La Lanne said, they make … a kingdom! So make sure to pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System – the ONLY quick and dirty workout system out there that gets results NOW, my friend. Yes, now. Your health and fitness are THAT important, so do it – now!
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