When I was told NOT to sprint up the hill
- But I did ANYWAY!

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I believe I first “met” Charles Mitchell, one of my long term customers in April of 2018 or thereabouts.

The times I would do my afternoon workouts, and I lived on the first floor as opposed to the fourth, and had a lovely landlady from Hubei of all places, hehe.

We hit it off the first time we MET.

Both Charles and I “met”.

And the landlady too, which is why she probably allowed me to negotiate the rent down by that extra 100 kuai, hehe. Gave me a long rope in many regards too (pun NOT intended!).

Thank YOU, Elizabeth! (we did have a chuckle or two on the name, but she might as well have been “Carol” for all I knew) …

But anyway, those were the days when I’d . . .

I think I did my 150 handstand pushups/pullup workout first (I threw in dips and pushups too).

And then it was off to the hill.

And the “old man in China” I’ve written about used to show up at around that time too . . .

I still remember him pointing towards my tummy.

My admittedly very “flatter than flat” and slim stomach, and nodding approvingly (remember, this is another one of those men who knew me when I was fat).

I’d climb. I’d stretch. Then I’d sprint!

Jason Bourne style – all out – literally!!

And after that, well, I’d go about my evening.

Now, a while BEFORE that – not so long ago, actually in 2015-16 I did the LONG walks up the hill.

Six times a day!

And thats all I did.

And I experimented with sprints out there in the middle of the day.

Hot sticky weather my friend. Tropical climes. Those clothes would literally be sticking on to me, and the sweat would be rolling off me!

It was so hot that it would rain one second, and you’d be drenched, and the next second?

Bright humid weather, and you’d be drenched again.

Shoes SQUELCHING, and so forth.

Big time!

I went through a lot of sports shoes. Hehe.

But anyway, I still remember another dude once telling me the following.

And the Chinese say this a lot.

“Man man yi dian!”

(i.e. walk slowly!)

For some reason, he and a lady I knew at the time thought my slow “undertaker like” walks up the hill were where it was at.

It was.

It was getting the job done.

But what if the job could be done QUICKER, and better?

(which is pretty much what happened in 2017. Workout time about an hour despite the high rep counts on the handstand pushup etc plus maybe a few more minutes for the sprints. And this includes the HILL).

(in 2016, it was HOURS a day. Too many of ‘em, hehe. And you can’t keep going that way your whole life, and you might not have the time either, and you might not want to wake up daily at 5 to do it either!)

(The Bozo trolled me about … ah, but let’s leave that idiot out of this. Some memories are too precious to bring in idiots and dancing monkeys in).

(My wife told me a monkey recently literally “ran after her” as it thought she had food or something. Thats India for ya. Monkeys roaming around in the most so called exclusive housing colonies and what not. Now the PRC? The rats don’t stand a chance either, so what price the monkeys. They eat – it – all!)

(So says yours truly “Da Xing Xing” i.e. big monkey aka gorilla, but I wonder how Bozo Schofield the fat monkey would react if an actual monkey ran after him. Probably crap his pants for one).

(And hence what I say on the Animal Kingdom Workouts page, which I can “feel” Schofield clicking over to NOW. Hehe. Do so, bro. I did it just for YOU!)

But anyway, where was I.

Ah. Walk slowly.

I got irritated at dude and gal number one.

Then I remembered the old man in China telling me to take it “one step at a time”.

(That was a CLASSIC email – if you want it – let me know – and I’ll do a retread”. I was bounding up the stairs in blazing heat aka Charles saying “I don’t know how you work out in such hot weather!” and the guy that collected the dry leaves or something shaking his head to say “Oh My God!”)

(but fear not, my book on inspirational fitness recollections has it ALL. Not all, but 16. I’ll probably put another Volume out soon!)

But sprints.

Really, my friend, while the Chinese that told me that might or might not have gotten it (old man was right, but the other two werent) – sprints are the ULIMATE.

The Mecca and Medina of leg training, as I wrote about in Fast and Furious Fitness (Collector’s item by now!) . . .

And sprints are truly something everyone should aspire towards.

In 2018 I believe, I came out with “Advanced Hill Training” during Chinese New Year.

Lunar New Year.

Also about the time where I fell on my chin while doing handstands (annoying poodle licking me on the TIP of my nose!)

(calling it a poodle would be a stretch. One of those “pink rat-dog” mixes the Chinese love for whatever reason).

And earlier that year, of course, the thumb injury.

And I believe ONE of the days I was filimg out there was THAT day (the former).

You might not see the blood dripping from my chin, but it was. Hehe.

I just wiped it off.

(black clothes helped a wee bit).

And believe me, this sort of SPRINTING is some of the best training you can do to lose weight, build muscle, and feel like a bazillion bucks all day long.

You can FEEL it when you “look at me on the cover!”

And on that note, hark on over NOW – and grab YOUR copy of the course. You’ll love it!


Rahul Mokerjee

PS – And more pertinently, you’ll get in super duper shape nigh quick. And best part? Neither do you need a hill, nor do you need to do what you “think” are sprints. These can be done ANY WHICH WAY – Animal Kingdom Workouts – and Jump Rope Mania! – are but TWO courses you can do this type of training!

Grab NOW.

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