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Even if you’re a stud at pull-ups this is great to read for YOU.
But it’s really for the fatties and lard asses out there – and the so called skinny dudes that couldn’t bang out a decent pull-up – ONE of them – if their lives depended upon it.
Literally, my friend.
Most modern day men are so far gone that if they were hanging off a ledge and had to pull themselves back – UP – AND – use their legs for support too – they couldn’t hold on for the second or so it takes to do that.
Think Im kidding?
I’m NOT.
If thats you, then you have two choices – a) get pissed and unsubscribe and b) (or b) LISTEN – UP.
Listen and think very carefully. What I’m about to tell you could save your LIFE someday.
But picture this. FIRST.
You on the chinning bar if you’re a FATTIE, (if you’re not, think back to when you WERE) desperately trying to hold on for dear life, that FAT bloating out in all directions, that tummy distended . . .
Those arms burning after a second or less.
Those triceps on fire.
(Enough lessons for those of you that think “pull-ups are only biceps” and the “monkey pull down at the Jim Shim for human monkeys are far better” or the “deadlift done in an unnatural manner builds solid grip”?)
I’d say so.
But anyway, picture trying to do a pull-up, or hanging on, and then falling off, and then – giving up and running AWAY.
While making excuses to yourself about how you’re a big guy and not fat, and “its just pull-ups”, which INTERNALLY, subconsciously getting JEALOUS of those that are STUDS at it.
Now, the other part of this.
WHILE holding that image and emotions in your mind, picture me – or anyone, really – slinking out pull-ups easy peasy, in reps, without breaking a sweat, smooth as butter, much as mentioned on the SALES PAGE for the book on pull-up.
It’s there for a reason brah.
Then, picture this one final thing (this whole visualization should take no more than a few seconds, can be done ANYWHERE – yes, even when pots and pans BE clanging and the computer BE acting up, and the MRS BE yelling, or what not – insert excuse of CHOICE) . . .
After both of you are “done”.
You (if you’re a fattie) with a feeling of IMPOTENCE.
(and again, if you’re not fat now or whatever, “when you were”)
And the “stud” with that cool collected confidence and natural strength, wiry body, muscles taut against the BACK …
And the VIBE he gives off, being able to handle anything.
Even if you’re truly bigger than him, guess how YOU are feeling – how HE is feeling – and the GULF between the two.
Enough already you say?
“I’ll stop”.
But what I’ve given you is a very powerful visualization and will help you more than ANYTHIGN I’ve said in “Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within weeks” and those that read the book, DID the thing – consciously or unconsciously had a visual JUST LIKE THIS in their minds before getting to stud level.
This is just ONE way to do it, of course.
This is also GREAT if you’re at super stud level.
I often picture “how it was back then” – and then “my goals NOW which are “super duper” stud level at pull-ups” – that is one goal.
I’m mentioning it because (despite what Hill said about “do the thing first and THEN tell the world about it”) I’ve done it so many times that negative vibes in this regard just BOUNCE off me.
Notice the contrast between goals I don’t mention and those I do . . .
This one tip alone is worth a billion bucks if I say so myself.
You can use it in LIFE too – if you’re a DOER.
And more is mentioned (lifewise) in Zero to Hero! – which if STELLAR results interest you, you can get NOW.
And that, my friend, is that.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – If this email offended you, great. Sometimes, offense is what YOU need to kick start YOUR fitness routine, get your RUMPUS in gear, do the thing, and THEN TELL ME ABOUT IT, at which point I’ll be the FIRST to congratulate – YOU!
PS #2 – Remember that pull-ups get easier the less FAT you have on you. To MELT fat like no tomorrow – get on the Jaguar of all training programs here.
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