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Man oh man.
I opened the ole email Inbox to check my emails, which I haven’t done all day and it seems people are already clickin through and responding to the last one.
Well, it’s been a minute since I sent it, and unless the Inter-Web is working faster today – I dont know! – the speed is astonishing.
Someone sent me a rather “polite” response, so I wont’ mention him here.
But here is what he said.
“WTF. why would that ever happen?
Yes, I cannot do a single pullup but I dont care so goodbye! :D”
Strange tone to that email.
First, the WTF and why would that even happen . . .
Well, my friend, I’ve given you WHAT might happen – and like Charles Mitchell, a great customer of mine said “Always stay prepared for what might happen – for you never know – it just might!”.
Even an idiot knows this.
Dud, Super Stud, in between, Bozo Schofield, I care not – EVERYONE knows this.
Especially these days when nigh on anything can and does happen, eh.
But in case you aren’t “still interested”?
Note I did not reply to this person directly because he unsubscribed for one, and two – well – I figured I’d just send it out here since it came in like “clockwork!”
Or “shit on a stick” as a certain other Charles claimed those that can do pull-ups WELL are genetically pre-disposed to getting (which is utter bullshit – both yours truly and Herschel Walker have shitty genetics bro).
But anyway . . .
Picture … or well, just click over to the Gorilla Grip (Advanced) page.
I’ve told you the story of Sig Klein, ole time STRONGMAN on that page, and that gives you yet another reason.
Think it can’t happen to you – well, you’re wrong.
It might not.
And it’s great if it doesn’t!
But IF it does, it’s always better to be prepared.
Last, but not least, the “I dont care” is laced with IMPOTENCE.
RAGING impotence, to be honest . . .
(except he’s smart enough not to say it that way, so kudos)
If he didnt care, why email me?
More to the point why unsubscribe, hehe.
The fact is this person is NOT a doer in any regard.
And so I’m happy to see him go, and I wish him all the best.
But you doers out there – and those that cannot do pull-ups as yet (or if you have a “limp fish” handshake where women can crush your grip) – then get the book now my friend.
Truly, not for me – but for YOU.
YOU, you, YOU!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Remember too, fat loss is of paramount importance if youre going to get better at pull-ups. The more distended and bloated that belly of Buddha is, the further away from “Pull-up Heaven” you SHALL get. Slink on over HERE to grab the Jaguar of all fitness programs to reduce – burn – melt – and FRY that NASTY FAT off at uber rapid WARP speeds!
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