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Booby lovers – and booby builders – and YES, there are a lot of lurkers on here that fit just THAT description (nothing wrong with the first, and I abhor the second!) listen up.
And, in general, listen up I suppose.
(I’m more of and always have been a leg man for whatever it might be worth).
dont know why I felt compelled to put that in there. My “beautiful” wife might not be happy upon seeing it!
Nah. She won’t mind.
But anyway – every year, yours truly does some “Masterminding” of sorts.
Of sorts, not really.
Lone wolves like me usually go it themselves, as do alpha males . . .
But while most of the time this is fine, Napoleon Hill spoke a lot about the power of the Mastermind and allying yourself with superior and more powerful (or should I say “different”) minds to achieve your goals in any sphere.
No, I dont mean accountability groups – those are CRAP.
I mean once a week you get together with people that truly GET it – and (lets say fitness) discuss the progress you made over the past week – goals for the next – and NO, there is no “coaxing and urging” – because this Mastermind is made up of people that truly GET IT and are SELF MOTIVATED – the sort of people I want as my customers (and I have some great men as customers that are self motivated!).
We truly are the sum of people we hang out with.
It’s best to do it on your lonesome if all you have is idiots around you, but when you have people that get it – you ALLY yourself with them, and ALL Of you move closer towards your goal.
Henry Ford, Burbanks and Edison would take their yearly trips to the woods for one.
What they discussed only they knew, but they knew the power of putting the Mastermind principle into action, and their results speak for themselves.
Anyway …
Booby loving, and freebies …
So every year, ever since 0 Excuses Fitness was incorporated – yours truly does this “list building” thingy with a few other folks.
As Paul Becker, someone I dont really know – but I get a good vibe off him – put it “it’s all great fun, and we all build our lists”.
So, basically there are some “freebies” on a page I am goin gto send you to.
Before I do that though – WARNING!!!!!!
I am NOT affiliated or associated with any of the people there, and quite frankly, I do NOT support “getting ripped” or boobybuilding or any of that. NO, that has not changed and never ever will!
That ain’t me.
But, those folks have some products people here may be interested in, so once a year, I put the link out there.
No, I do NOT get commission or anything of it.
No, I wouldn’t recommend their products or not. Try ’em, and if you dont like ’em, or if you do – well – either way – I’m not in the picture!
But they’ve been promoting the 0 Excuses newsletter on that page on a yearly basis, so I return the favor as well, and that is all there is to it.
No, I am not worried about “losing customers” either . . .
So anyway, without further ado, here is what they are sending out – I’m pasting it verbatim
There’s something I just had to let you in on because what’s about
to start will only last for a short time. I don’t want you to miss
out on this. Me and several other experts in the fitness and muscle
gain industry have pooled together some high value products and
programs to help you pack on size and get ripped.http://www.bodybuilding-programs.net/free-fitness-gifts.html
There’s over $367 worth of value in this fitness and muscle gain
giveaway. However, it’s all available at no cost to you.The fitness and muscle gain giveaway is only accessible for 5 days.
I don’t want you to miss out. So, please take a look and take advantage
before it’s too late.http://www.bodybuilding-programs.net/free-fitness-gifts.html
Link included for those that want it . . .
hey, fair’s fair.
Paul (and the other dudes on there) might not agree on fitness, but if they’re promoting me – I gotta return the favor, and I AM.
But anyway, last, but not least – I wouldn’t need to do this even ONCE a year and likely won’t in the future, but for now, given the number of people that keep emailing me moaning about price etc – if I had less of THEM – and more great customers like …well, you know ’em! – then I wouldn’t be doing this probably.
Or who know.
Maybe I would!
My old boss at THAT job once told me “They were content to stay at a certain level”.
Yours truly never has been, hehe.
The more the merrier!
And thats the booby luvin for now. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Real man training HERE.
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