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It’s funny, my friend – But Glyn the troll – Bozo “Blow the Hockey field” Schofield is literally so obsessed with yours truly that it ain’t even funny.
(Those aren’t my words in terms of the obsession. A mutual contact told me the following.
Man, Glyn’s utterly obsessed with you. He’s so nuts over you that it ain’t even funny!)
He then went on to state that in the five years he’d known me (hes known me since 2015) I’ve been a consistently nice and fair guy, while Glyn has always been one of the “weird” sorts (he was being polite there!).
Spot on, my friend.
But anyway, it’s funny – despite purporting to hate me, despite making me sales left right and center, despite becoming the “almost lovable from a pyscho “Hannibal” style standpoint on this list” – he continues.
Gotta give to the troll in terms of following what Napoleon Hill said in Think and Grow Rich about persistence being to men’s character what CARBON is to steel, hehe.
Except the Bozo forgot that Hill’s principles can be used to reach the nadir of FAILURE at something as well in addition to the pinnacles of SUCCESS, and beyond!
anyway, we’ll get to him later.
Let’s talk about Karl Gotch, a true “God of Pro Wrestling” in Japan (as they called him there!).
A man that was huge on conditoning and reportedly wouldn’t even teach his students wrassling unless they got well conditioned first.
A FANATIC on conditioning himself – that once did 9001 Hindu squats STRAIGHT. Now thats something, my friend – really something!
But Gotch was right.
Run out of steam in the ring – boxing, wrestling, swimming, whatever, and all the talent and skills in the world won’t help you if you can’t get that jab up, for instance, even against lesser conditioned fighters.
Marc the African Silverback Gorilla told me I’d last in the ring easily for three rounds while sparring – definitely, he said from a conditioning standpoint.
Man, I could barely get my jab up – and I was the guy that he coul d”barely hear breathe” when we lugged crates of beer up stairs – 20 or so flights of them when the elevator wasn’t working!
Goes to show you the importance of sport specific or activity specific conditioning.
Brought home to me yet again this evening while moving a bulky dishwasher around in hard to manueover positions. Trust me, lifting those behemoths and moving with it – IF you can even grip it – ain’t easy to say the least!
Conditioning, my friend.
End of the day, you can have all the gym shym strength in the world, but when lugging huge bottles of water up flights of stairs, for instance, or bulky cylinders and such, it ain’t gonna help one damn bit. Or A/C compressors – remember the skinny CHinese dude I once wrote about that did that?
Anyway, back to Schofield and the God of fitness.
He’s been signing up for the site with names such as “Rahul is the God of Fitness“, and occasionally “I’m so jealous of Rahul“.
While he was always bonkers, I believe the straightjacket might need to be reinforced a bit – full moon tonight from what I gather, and the loons are out in full force.
As Charles once told me, “a known lunatic”.
That he is, my friend. That he is!
But anyway, God?
I’ll pass.
Numero Uno, yes. STUD and SUPER STUD at pull-ups? Hell yes!
X shape to me? Movie Star ? TV Star?
All those other names I’v ebeen called?
Hell yeah. Bring it, hehe.
But God, nah. No way.
First off, I dont believe in religion. Never have and probably never will. Second, even if I did – I dont think equating anyone with the Universe or God, or Creation is a good idea at all even if you’re a troll in Mama’s basement that hasn’t seen the light of day in years …
Third, it’s a CHEESY ass name – one of the cheesiest ever.
The Bozo trolled Pushup Central by claiming I was “Rahul Tyson”. At least that had some bite, hehe.
And fourth, this lame ass stuff is only really good for those heavily into fetish and the such where of course there exist nothing but Gods, Goddesses, kink and slaves of various forms.
This Bozo is the sort of guy who routinely wakes up in the early AM hours and pesters random women (and women related to friends of his – so called friends) with inane requests like “Goddess, can I be your servant?”
They say WTF.
“You know like massage feet, carry your shopping, buy you gifts, do your laundry, obey your every command”.
I ain’t shitting you. That is what he told a girl I know -word for word!
She blocked him of course. But that only led to the Bozo running around the sleazy back alleys and then apparently paying some Chinese gal 2000 or so RMB (about 300 USD) to stick his tongue where the sun dont shine.
Now if thats what he’s into, fine.
But yours truly – god – nah. No way!
I’ll take what a great customer of mine once told me “A true master of his craft – the STELLA ARTOIS of fitness!”
(he said Master of his craft – I put in the beer part).
And why you should listen to me?
Finally we get to that, hehe.
Well, it’s simple.
My stuff flat out WORKS.
It’s modeled on what the old time strongmen did – and it BETTERS it in most regards.
There are NO other bodyweight exercise gurus out there that have put our programs as detailed and comprehensive as mine.
It’s hard core stuff a lot of it (hence I attract SERIOUS workout fanatics).
Yet, most importantly, it can be done by anyone.
In my courses I show you – I dont care what fitness level you’re at now – how to WORK UP TO IT!
And really, along with my “insane” emphasis on conditioning and strength from the inside out – and unparalleled knowledge on fitness – THAT is why you should listen to me – not to mention what I have to say on life, sales etc.
Plenty of skills I’ve worked my ass off to get good at – damn good – and I bring it to YOU now.
Have – at!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Start (Fitness wise) with the “Rolls Royce” of Fitness right HERE.
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