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I mean, really.
And I dont know if you’ll think I’m plumb damn nuts – or more so than usual but I sit here, muscles and nerves pulsating and ZINGING with that cosmic FORCE, that energy, I gotta write this to you.
Yes, YOU on this list!
And the answer is yes – I’d happily take a GREAT dose of stretching that I continued doing after writing the last email to you – over the “big O”.
Why, you ask?
Well, the orgasm depletes for one (at least “real man” male orgasms).
No, I’m not going to get into various “other ways” of doing it.
Lets stick to what we all “know” or would expect on this site i.e. coitus. And there is a very good and valid reasons boxers and wrestlers of yore – great writers – statemen and the such – not only LIVED A-LONE – but also abstained on a regular basis, and especially before an important event.
Napoleon Hill spoke about this in Think and Grow Rich in the Chapter of sexual transmutation, a book that is a must read for everyone even if you dont want to get rich (HA!).
But back to isometrics. The benefits extend beyond the “physical” and WAY into the spiritual.
Ever since I wrote this book and really got to work on the isometrics MORE than I have over the past few years, those dreams are becoming so lucid that right now I’m sitting here wondering if the STUPENDOUS – even by MY standards – dream I just had was just a dream, or a “harbinger” of the future.
I’d bet the latter any day, and I’d be RIGHT.
Believe me, dreams and the information they give you are so vital that if you just “forget them” – you’re missing out on a key component to success at anything in life – not just fitness.
Oddly enough though, even in this blissed out state, I’d probably want a massage right now – but no “hanky panky”.
IT just feels that good to get inside your muscles, pop, crack, and STRETCH them from every possible angle!
This holds especially true for you that does HEAVY workouts – or is “sore” from the day before (Bozo Glyn, not that sore please).
(For the newbies on this list, Glyn is a troll that has been trolling inanely for so long that he’s become the “perennial laughing stock” and “teeth gnasher” from Mommy’s basement in the UK (while he scrapes by on public welfare)).
But anyway, and perhaps most odd?
You’ll PERFORM better in bed with a solid dose of Isometrics – and what I teach you – the REVOLUTIONARY and never put out before info in Animal Kingdom Workouts.
Way better.
In fact, if you wanted to banish the blue pill from your life forever and put “V” outta biz, well, TODAY is the time to start my friend.
And not only the physical – members of the opposite sex will be attracted to you ANYWAY if just because of the sheer ENERGY you emanate.
Your goals will flow to you.
Your life will flow.
You’ll SAIL through the seas of LIFE in a “blissed and blessed” manner, as I’ve been saying over the past few days (no, I’m not religious).
And more, my friend. More.
Grab these two now, and let me know how you do.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – I mean courses, not girls. Believe it or not, a certain wacko once wrote to me on another site asking me “if I could give him girls to play with”. Then there was Bozo Glyn, who kept pestering me about “how many girls asked for my WeShat while working out” outside (and believe me, I dont even take the dumbphone when I workout). Then he signed up with an inane nick and sent me messages about “I’m trying to get tail in China, but can’t for years”.
I swear, the rubbish folks send me …
But really – Animal Kingdom Workouts – and Isometrics and Flexibility Training.
Get on the combo NOW.
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