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Sorry, I should say YUS!
Hehe. Ann Lee done copyrighted that one, I think … but anyway, I BE BUZZING – BUZZED. I BE JACKED. I BE READY – raring to go, bust a HUMP, and bust a BOZO – and many more things – all after that Corrugated Core workout I just did and spoke about!
Whoa, I gotta tell myself.
Deep breath, boy!
(son, hehe).
Bozo loves boy, so I’ll leave him to the “boys”.
And hockey fields, but anyway, I was buzzin much the same way a certain “Kate” and I got to know each other for a very brief fleeting “period in history”.
Basically a friend who wanted to source stuff from India (this was in 2016) was “drunker than a skunk”.
I was the opposite.
So he told me to talk to Kate abotu finances.
I did that.
That, other than a few pleasantries was the extent of it.
And of course, when I asked my wife to source the stuff, she got pissed “I was buying stuff for Kate”.
No I wasn’t.
I was doing it for Charles!
Of course, “Kate” got pissed that I cheated her.
No I didnt!
I asked them to take receipts of everything, but Charles didnt want ’em.
(Truth be told, he’s a good guy, actually).
And then of course, the Bozo showed up with his inane rants about “Rahul gets some and I never do despite my ass licking, and “how many girls asked for your WeShat”, and so forth …
Here is the review he left on a great book of mine – Fitness Pioneer (the name rings a bell, hehe).
“Being I’m a pioneer of sorts myself, I thought I’d try this! What absolute drivel. He cheats on his wife, so what can he do to his friends! Avoid this book”
There was more to this. Do a search on teh site, and you’ll find it, but that was the gist.
Now, no-one needs to be told what the Bozo is indeed a pioneer at.
And he was pissed “I cheated on my wife”.
So, according to him was “Kate”.
I can believe the latter.
She was trying to hide her irritation at it the night we met – and Charles was the one that told her “Hey, this dude is minding his own business – you midn YOURS”.
Gotta give credit where credit is due, so kudos to you for THAT, Charles, bro.
But girls will be girls, so she labeled me as that in her mind without having any proof.
OF course, the Bozo caught on.
Sometimes I wonder if Glyn is a he, she, or …
Ah, but we best not go there.
Anyway, point of all this?
It’s hilarious how I’m so ANTI-SOCIAL – so damned “I’ll stay in my cave” and yet the minute I step out I get these sort of “tags”.
True, I do seem to attract women unlike the Bozo.
But I stay FAR away from them as far as possible – and the incident above is just one reason.
Can’t win for losing.
Women will give you aggravation compounded.
And so forth.
And that, my friend, is the absolute truth.
And no, I deleted the girl off my list the minute the stuff was bought and my lovely wife complained about it, and we haven’t spoken ever since except in the Bozo’s “fertile” (heard he’s birthing babies bout now, hehe) imagination or what not …
The truth is the truth.
Maybe thats why I tick so many people off ROYALLY.
And I’ll continue to do so.
To borrow ole MF’s expression – Kick ass – take – NAMESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Buzz on over here like a good “boy”, hehe, and pick up Corrugated Core right NOW. It truly IS THAT DAMNED GOOD!
PS #2 – For those wondering, despite what “Kate” thinks of me, and hey, thats fine – girls will be girls – I have NO ill will towards her. The Bozo ended up waking her up at 3 AM in the mornig asking for directions to some God forsaken place and she thought it was me, so thats probably why. Hey, I dont blame her. LOL. Poor gal…
PPS – I wrote the second Volume of Fitness Pioneer a few months ago. Do check it out there (and leave some REVIEWS too!).
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