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Good thing I had my email open, because it was an AHA! moment as soon as I typed out that last email.
You’ll remember a pisser and moaner “Bill” complaining about my email on cold showers.
(I wonder whether he wanted to hear something on warm cuddles and so forth. Ugh).
But anyway, the email address he sent his email from “Bill<comboofnumber>#1..6..3 dot com” made me wonder if he was Chinese or Indian.
Nothing against that part of the world, honest.
But it’s mostly people from there who want to “Google” everything under the sun and dont want to cough up a red cent for any sort of information product, not just mine.
That ain’t everyone, admittedly.
Gautam was a great customer from India, and there have been others.
But in general, that seems to be the case.
Look, fella, two things.
One, if Google has it all, why sign up for my list.
I mean, I’m not exactly asking you to do so – or running after you – or exhorting you?
The homepage clearly states my products are “expensive” (for the wankers that are also price shoppers).
And two, if Google has it all, I wonder why people in China for one didnt create Google instead of the ultra crappy Baidu by using info they copied from Google.
Yes, Baidu is utter CRAP – that I MEAN.
They couldn’t even copy it well …
Anyway, without further ado, the reply I got.
From…ah, let’s see.
i delete your Email for Cold Water Shower. Can you re-send to me, please.
Mr Bill Wong
Gotcha. Most likely Chinese, given the email address and the name.
And no, Mr Wong, I cannot.
First, because your dumb ass deleted it …
And second, obviously you’re too lazy to do a search on the site.
And three, well, it’s on Google isnt it?
This guy reminds me of a beefy looking guy ‘James’ in Guangzhou (definitely not Chinese).
He was in my Dongguan networking and employment group and broke rules willy nilly.
I was lenient and polite the first time.
Second time, somewhat less so, but I let it slide again.
Big mistake!
Third time, I just lost patience and deleted him.
He sent me a hissy, ending with this.
You’re an odd dude!
Well that I am …
But his entire gripe was about what he posted was contrary to my rules sure, but “he thought” it would be helpful to the community and therefore I shouldnt’ remove him.
Dude, when you’re in someone else’s group – or home – or football field – you follow the rules.
You don’t make ’em, or participate in making ’em unless asked …
You may or may not disagree, but as tons of people in the iconic Dongguan Employment group have found out the hard way, the law is the law.
And I, Rahul Mookerjee, WILL boot you unceremoniously and without notice from the groups for being a willing laggard and breaking the rules.
Boggles the mind that I have to explain these things to so called adults.
Anyway, same thing for this list bro.
If you dont like it, you’re free to leave.
And if I deem you not good enough to stay on it, out you go …
Anyway, thats a long answer to a short question.
As for you DOERS that agree with all this – well, I’ll be back soon. In the meantime, be sure and pick up the most exclusive of all fitness systems right here. Truly the GLEAMING Rolls Royce of the fitness world!
Rahul Mookerjee
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