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How would you, my friend, like to have a core that is so rock solid that elbows to it with full force – driven INTO it – just bounce off?
A long time ago, I was doing one of those infamous “visa runs” to the Kong.
Not so long ago, actually, I remember it as if it were yesterday.
And in the hustle and bustle of getting back to the Louhu port on the Chinese side, I felt a elbow ram me to the sides.
Not intentionally, but the unintentional ones often hurt the most if you get my drift.
It would have probably driven the breath out of me during my soft and flabby days.
Yet, back then, I remember feeling as if I had a “wall” there and the elbow bounced off like a tennis ball off a wall.
The wall barely felt it.
THAT is the sort of “punch proof” midsection you want, my friend.
Farmer Burns, ole time American wrestler and strongman, he of the 19 inch neck that famously survived the hangman’s drop (no, I dont advocate YOU to try that!) had the following to say in Lessons in Wrestling and Physical Culture
(1914 mail order course I believe and a great, great one).
“My own abdominal muscles are soft enough when relaxed, but when I “set” them the muscles are as hard and rigid as the muscles of my arms or legs. … “I want every one of my students to “make good,” and to develop an all-around physique, so be sure to take daily exercises for the development of the abdominal muscles.
In fact, you might strike me on the stomach with your clenched fist, and not cause the least pain. Many have done this, and suffered more pain from the blow than I for my stomach muscles have been trained and developed just as carefully as all other parts of the body …
Well, well, well.
Soft enough, yet hard enough to take a punch to the midsection without not only flinching, but causing the other person to.
THAT is what it’s about!
I still remember my Marine buddy telling me one night while drinking beer (remember he’s a giant and built like Hercules, and is over six feet tall – easily outweighs me for one).
We were talking about midsections, and taking punches, and he laughed looking at mine.
Id be wasting my time by hitting there!
I wouldn’t quite put it that way – the man has the force of a MULE in his punches. I’ve seen it!
But, he’s right in a way. The punches WOULD bounce off in most regards!
Last night I had a dream where a girl was in the table position.
And she was shot in the back.
(REmember, dreams are FIGURATIVE).
And, three baddies wanted to “deep six” her.
While in the table position, one meaty looking guy gave her ONE to the stomach.
She collapsed – almost, yet got back up.
STUDD-ESS if I might say so!
Another slightly built guy tried.
The rock not only stood, but it did so defiantly!
Anyway, this, my friend is the sort of midsection YOU need to build – starting right now.
The flabby bellies I see around me all day are a joke, a shame, and a MESS.
It needs to stop now.
And if building real man (and woman – yes, women can do these too!) CORES interest you – well – get the courses HERE –
Corrugated Core. (old time strongman core secrets that are amazing in their simplicity, yet work like a charm and better than any of the modern day nonsense out there).
Animal kingdom Workouts (overall brute core strength and power)
Pushups – Reverse Pushups – the BEST darn exercise out there. (elbow bouncing off WALL)
“Hardcore training for a hard core”, as a great customer and doer said. And “this exercise makes me feel better than almost anything else” (about the third book).
Rahul Mookerjee
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