What to do if you consider exercise to be a chore, and why I pulled the “BIGOFFER” discount, and more.
- YES.

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In an email prior to this, I sent you something about a “complaint” a former student had about “she never had any time for anything because she “worked” unlike yours truly who sits at home, drinks beer, and sends emails, and makes $$”.

Now, the post is here, so I won’t get into it again.

Here is what a DOER replied in response to that email (and while it may seem “why is he mentioning this here” – hang with me – he’s got a valid point indeed – one which I did not notice!).

I pulled that discount yesterday after sending an email to that effect.

But, I sent another one later … anyway, lets look at what he said.

Hello Rahul

I can’t imagine why anyone would consider exercise a slog but I know there are mentally impaired people out there who think that way.
For me I could no more give up exercising than I could give up breathing, if you’ve exercised seriously for a reasonable length of time it becomes part of who you are and if you’re forced to stop for any reason you begin to suffer withdrawal symptoms, anyone who does not know what I’m talking about obviously has not trained sufficiently hard for long enough for exercise to become deeply embedded into their psychophysiology.
On to another matter, <part of this is chopped – I’m including what is relevant> …..
…. to purchase the collectors edition of Fast and Furious Fitness, I tried to use the discount code bigoffer to complete the purchase, however, I got the response “discount code invalid” but in the email below you say that the discount is still active, so, I’m just a little confused, am I using the wrong code?

Good question, John!!

Now first off, the discount code. I pulled it right after I sent one of those emails yesterday – ah, but wait.

Rather than type it out again, let me paste my response which should make ALL clear.

Hey John

Thanks for getting back to me on this! I suppose the exercise thing is down to mental conditioning i.e. say something enough times, and the idiots believe it no matter what. I think you’ll remember I posted about a former Indian cricket captain (and he ain’t that old – perhaps around 50 at most) getting a heart attack while on the treadmill doing his daily “half an hour or whatever”. Angioplasty or something … but this is a CRICKETER, remember.

Admittedly they werent as fit back then as they are now, but cricket still involes a lot of sprints which Ganguly did, and if that sort of person can buy into the Bozo mentality and then suffer, and then go back to the same thing most likely, well, that alone speaks tomes as to the power of conditioning!

Ah well, enough on that front . . . And you’re spot on in terms of “withdrawal symptoms” – once it becomes a regular part of your routine and a habit – impossible to live without it, and thats a GOOD thing.

Now, the discount code, I disabled that one you’re referring to because I was just starting to get SO MANY idiotic questions (one being from an idiot who wanted to buy Gorilla Grip – $17.99 and then was complaining that the 30% discount didnt apply to that, and why and what not), so it was just getting to be too much hassles, so I just up and removed the discount as I said in an email prior to this.

Obviously real folks i.e. DOERS like YOU know they can email me directly to get discounts etc if applicable and if their situation warrants it, so its not a big deal, really – just less “Bozonator” inquiries to deal with.

Please use this code <chopped>. This should give you the same discount (30%) on the collector’s edition

I suppose though with regard to that BIGOFFER discount code – I should have technically said there is a minimum order required ($100) but to be honest, it’s never been an issue with most people that “get it” anyway. I for one think it’s pretty obvious why it wouldn’t apply to just a $17.99 purchase, but hey, who am I to say that, hehe. But anyway – thanks for pointing this out buddy – much appreciated!!

There is more, but thats all that needs to be said here.

First, <chopped> ain’t a discount code for those wondering.

Second, so thats the story with the discount. My bad for scheduling another email a while later which mentioned the discount code that was disabled prior to sending that one out!

(And thank you John for pointing that out!! Much appreciated).

Third, the takeaway on exercise – this is two fold – one, the obvious – pavement pounding and long drawn out routines aren’t what you should be looking at.

Quick and dirty does the trick.

Sure, long walks etc are great but you do those for reasons other than “fitness”.

And if exercise seems like a chore to you, make it a part of your routine – your daily habit.

Much like brushing your teeth is a part of you, and taking a shower either in the AM or PM or both is . . .

Make things a HABIT, and do so with conviction, and you’re less likely to miss (in fact, as he says you won’t WANT to miss).

Conditioning ,my friend is key – and I speak about this in the FIRST Commandment of Physical (or any) Success in 0 Excuses Fitness.

The mental simply cannot be overlooked!

Fourth, remember that after he orders – we will be down to TWO editions of the Collector’s Edition of Fast and Furious Fitness, so if you want it – jump NOW.

No,  Mr Mercurial and Unpredictable Mookerjee will NOT  print another edition with that same cover etc. It just won’t happen. Once it’s gone, its gone – with the wind, so if you want IN, take action NOW.

Fifth, doers, if you seriously cannot do with a discount, email me and … ah, but wait.

If you’re a DOER – you know this part!

Sixth, and last, my old boss who I just sent you a note about was and is a great guy and a convert to “Saying it like it is”.

He called ME out too for mistakes I made – and I admit it – and he was right on that too, and WE are right in calling the Bozos out for who they are, hehe.

And thats the blast.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up the best course on pushups – truly the best ever – that will turn you into a MONSTER like the best – right here – Pushup Central. There is none better than this!

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