Why my old boss was so damned RIGHT about “HR” being the MOST USELESS function in any organization.
- Spot on, and this is sure to offend, but it's so true.

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He was right.

Pankaj, an old boss of mine sometime in 200…6, I believe, had the following to say about HR in general.

(This was when I was asking him about “if I could ask them something”, and “why something wasn’t getting done”).

“Rahul you have to know who to talk to to get things done!”

So true … and he then pointed to his “major domo in charge”, a beefy, swarthy man named Rawat who I always liked.

I’ve liked those types forever!

In THAT job (after this one I’m referring to), I drank tons and tons of beer with the General De facto guy there – who earned more than me at the time, but he was and remains the friendliest guy ever.

Actually, they all were, and probably still are.

Including the old boss I refer to here.

But his HR was the typical bitchy snotty “trying to be Nazi feminist” and flirting with everyone she could despite having a boyfriend or what not woman that was to be avoided.

Yours truly was asking her about the AC I believe.

In the heat of summer, in India and china, people don’t turn on the AC “because they feel cold” apparently.

Yours truly can’t live without it!

The boss saw I was sweating bullets, asked me why I didnt ask ’em to turn on the AC.

I wasn’t sure what to say, after all … I mean, I didnt want to directly say the girl wouldn’t do it! (though I Was pissed, yes, and I guess it SHOWED).

Anyway, he made the above comment.

And then …

“HR is the most USELESS function in any organization”, he said quietly. With an expression of utter disgust on his face that lasts till THIS day in my mind. 

(He said this semi publicly, but publicly enough for everyone to know his views on it. He was the boss though, so the Nazi feminists bit their lip and probably gave their boyfriends and S.O.’s at home hell over it anyway, hehe.

And he was RIGHT, my friend.

He was so right!

This morning, as I was getting frustrated with a person of that ilk (note – to me – HEADHUNTERS in general, not so much HR, though they are similar have been the most colosally godawfully DUMB And STUPID people ever – as Uncle Bob once famously said “about as useful as screen doors on a submarine“), I remembered the following.

And the following line leapt into my mind as I was going to “confront” them.

“Whats the point dealing with Bozos”.

True dat.

And I calmed down almost instantly.

There’s no point, my friend, beating your head against a BRICK wall of any nature.

And the same thing (btw, HR and female headhunters seem to have one thing in common – they’re all fine BEFORE they switch to Grandma inspired Nazi feminism, right down to their attire which they Tom Tom as being stylish, but is anything but, and deep down inside they know it) applies to certain EXERCISES.

The lat pulldown machine, my friend, is such an idiotic ever “pander to lazyasses” invention that you’re better off not even thinking about it, let alone doing it or – talking about it.

Pull-ups make you feel like a real man, and build real strength – there is no getting around the fact.

Latpulldown = monkey without any of the real strength.

Same thing for the utterly asinine chest press “machine” I’ve seen or pec deck or whatever the hell it’s called.

You sit your ass on a padded seat, put your elbows into some padded something (ugh) and push.

Supposed to tone the chest. Ugh.

Even bench pressing the regular way is better than that, though we all know the dangers of the bench press!

Anyway, this is a “quickie” Schofield style to tell you exactly what I think of headhunters, HR, and Bozos and Bozo like exercises in general.

There is NO point engaging and or talking LOGIC or sense with them.

Just like you’d stay away from the foaming loonies at the looney tune bin, Nazi feminists and lunatics are to be avoided.

And if the former is of the MALE variety, GIVE it to them. 

(Like I am, and will continue to to Schofield, and I ain’t even started).

All of this, my friend, will be explained and how in upcoming BEHEMOTH (biggest ever on this site) book that addresses all the above.

And more.

In the meantime, turn into behemoth – a phenom – a rugged individual for the AGES – by following the exercises and routines in the Rolls Royce of Fitness.

And I’ll see you!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Also, be sure and pick up Corrugated Core while you’re AT IT.

Ps #2 – The Nazi feminists won’t complain about what he said, come to think of it. Why? Well, the word “boss” for one, hehe. Moneyyyyyyyyy! Of course, if Rahul says it, he’s wrong, hehe.

Frigging brick minded MORONS is what I … ah, but I’ll end this one here!

But its TRUE.

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