The Nazi feminist pandering Bozos that write books with NO idea in terms of what they’re writing about.
- Ohboy.

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I gotta say this.

I’m UBER qualified to talk to you on this.

Not that I’m not on any of the other topics we “yammer” about all the time. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t say it . . .

And no, it isn’t about “keeping one’s trap shut” because you’re being threatened – there are times I’ve done that, but I’ve gotten back at the person x 1000.

If I know something about something, then I’ll damn well say it (and these days, the threats have stopped fazing me).

Anyway …

Here’s a gem I recently saw –

So… this book I’m reading saying that exercise is great for your brain and can help with all kinds of mental issues, great news obviously.


If you’re not doing it willingly, it might have little to none effect on mental health.

As someone who ONLY train for the mind and almost ALWAYS have to drag myself to do it…

Do I still #exercise or nah??

. . . .


I gotta say, although I see gems that I’ve never seen before from this person on an almost daily basis, this one was something!

Is there ANY limit the lazy fools out there won’t go to “not to exercise”?

Is there ANY limit to pandering?

Is there ANY limit to making … EXCUSES?

I mean, really!

She never told me or her followers about the book or the author, so I cannot comment.

But, all I can say is the following –

First off, it’s nigh impossible NOT to wake your brain up when you exercise – and if you do so right, I’m yet to find a way to turn the “happiness off”!

Yes, you could call it whatever you want – increased testosterone, the horomones, HGH – whatever it is – but fact? You feel GREAT after you exercise, provided you do it the right way.

You can neither switch that feeling on “at will” nor turn it off – you gotta DO.

Second, this BS about “not willingly do it” and tearing herself away from the Korean soap operas to exercise, while telling her kids “you’re getting fat” when she’s herself blown up and bloated like a ballon (OK, that wasn’t the OP, but its a lot of women globally right NOW!) …

I mean, look, fella. Or lady.

Or in between!

Grip strength, or training for instance – when you grip, you activate the neurons of the brain whether you like it or not. You do so when you USE your hands, period!

Perhaps that is one reason I love WRITING so much – on the computer and otherwise!

Then heavy leg and back training.

You’re telling me all the endorphins floating about, all the muscular growth, all the nerves etc in the body that are being stimulated – youre telling me all that has got NOTHING to do with the brain?

Or improving brain activity?

I mean – I dont know – you could Google if you want, but there has been a direct correlation and a “scientific” one for the idiots who want docs on everything between doing exactly – hear me out – what RAHUL MOOKERJEE advocates and has been for ages, and what the CHO aka WHO aka China Panderers Central have only recently “grudgingly admitted” works wonder i.e. exercise snacks throughout the day – and between increased PRODUCTIVITY.

Then let’s talk sex.

For you men and women out there, I dont think we need to “delve further into the issue” (the Bozo in Brum might need to pry some unmentionables apart, hehe) …

You’re telling me that sex, one of the if not THE best “Feel good drug” out there (in any of it’s “variants”) doesn’t help the brain “light up”?

I mean, I could go on and on about pull-ups here -or handstands and how they help the entire neuro muscualar system that few other workouts can – or squats and the kidneys, but I’ll end with this.

Lazy phocks will look for any excuses to be lazy.

Phat phocks will look for any excuse NOT to do pull-ups.

And so forth.

And I could prattle on all day about the sublime, logical, the right thing, the retarded, the ridiculous, or what not.

Wouldn’t make a damned bit of difference if you’re not a DOER.

And if you’re not, you might as well unsubscribe NOW.

Anyway, thats it for now.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Beat the pandemic blues if you’ve got any by getting on this fitness system – truly the Rolls Royce of all fitness, period!

PS #2 – Oh, before I forgot.

“why so expensive man!”

That was all he sent.

“To keep the Bozos like you away”.

Enough said, hehe. But it’s true too!

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