The guy who never thought of the future, or the past . . .
- Was me!

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My friend, I keep hearing the following about me – it’s a paradox.

On the one hand I’m called a “master planner”.

On the other hand, I’m often called someone whose “cool” about life to the extent that he has no “plans”.

Back in college, I remember my Uncle (one of them) asking me about whats plan A, B and C?

He was referring to jobs.

Hell, I didnt know!

I didnt even know what I wanted to do back then – what I was cut out for- and the lot.

I’m not sure I still do now! LOL.

Needless to say what I REALLY wanted at the time – was the polar opposite of what my family in general exhorted me to do.

And friends, the few I had, they may have offered advice, but in practical terms, they’d have done F all to actually help.

Hence my constant thing about “you can count the number of TRUE friends you have on less than the fingers of one hand”.

For me, how many is that number?

I’m not sure, but it ain’t more than 5 and probably a hell of a lot less!

And thats fine.

I’ve always been a loner and “renegade” sort of guy – doing it MY way or not at all.

Note it’s different from the Nazi feminist “my way or the highway”.

If something makes sense, I’ll listen and do it.

But I’ll do what I want, and as I want, and when I want, and how I want … never been one to dance to dictates has this cat, and it’s been a huge huge bone of contention with many – yet others simply love this style and cannot get enough of it – in most case because “we wish we could do that, but end of the day, I’d rather be “secure””.

Secure ?


If you still think the world in general has much of that left, especially given whats to come then you’re a fool my friend – and have zero foresight.

But anyway ..

Plans, huh.

“The best laid plans often fall apart”.

Or, the Mike Tyson quote about “you can have all the plans in the world, but it ain’t gonna help you when you get punched in the face (or nose?)”

And life, my friend, as Rocky famously said, hits harder than Tyson, Stallone, or anyone.

Or a combo therein.

It also does so in the most unexpected and insidious manners to test you.

Those that make the final test, those that pass the final examination go on to succeed – and as reward receive whatever it is they were “seeking” all along – whether they knew it or not.

The vast majority of people, however, fail.

And the best plans, bro, come from the subconscious.

Your dreams.

Last night, while lopping off I said the following.

“I love my dreams. They take me places I’ve never been – and get me out of places I never wanted to be in the first place”.

It was a variant of that, I believe.

But truly, they do – right down to predicting “what will happen once I achieve the goal I want”.

THOSE are real plans – the plans that come while living in the flow.

Por ejempelo, lots familiar with my prodigous output (I’m talking writing, Schofield) (although a lady asked me about “other output” today if you get my drift, but we’ll let that slide, hehe) often wonder how I get so much writing done.

Sure, the books are on the backburner – for now.

But when I want to “finally” do ’em – when the time is right – BAM!

I move like a tiger, and it’s DONE.

Then I rest, relax …

THAT is a plan, bro.

Life wasn’t meant to be a slog.

Life -you were meant to be HAPPY.

And no, it ain’t got nothing to do with whether your single, married, in a relationship, or what not.

(though I dont recommend marriage for anyone – male or female – at least until the next 5 years pass). Or 3. . .

Things will go back to “normal’ after that.

But plans, you ask?

If I had a plan on “the next five years of my life”, I’d have never gone to China and experienced the things most people never ever will (but dream of all the time).

I’d never have had the ups and downs – and I’d never have learnt what I did from the stupendous latter.

I’d never have done ANYTHING I wanted – including writing.

I’d have become … well, a Bozo or code monkey doing something I absolutely DID not want i.e. be a slave to corporate dictums.

My “ability” meant my family always wanted me to conform and “use that ability” (which we all have) to further goals someone ELSE had in mind for me.

I’ve never done it.

I dont plan on doing so either.


Neither should you, friend.

Life is too short worrying about what if, and buts, what not.

(Though if you’re Glyn Butt Schofield, well … hehe).

Just do it!

As they say in hindi, “bad ki bad me dekhenge”.

It means, just do it and ask for permission later (not exactly – but thats the gist of it!)

(or, just do it – we’ll see what happens!)

Like I’m writing this to you now …

Alright, thats that from the guy without a plan, and yet the master planner.

Life’s sage, and strange!

I’m out. back … very soon!


Rahul mookerjee

PS – Lots of life tips in Zero to Hero! And of course, the premier, flagship product we offer – along with other superb books and courses – the 0 Excuses Fitness System. You know you want it, so get your hands on this without worrying about “what if”.

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