The best part about Animal Kingdom Workouts
- You might have missed this one!

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. . . it isn’t so much the physical benefits which have been covered galore on the sales page for it, and which you’ll see yourself very soon after getting on them workouts.

It isn’t so much the corsucating grip and strength they build.

It isn’t so much the sheer simplicity yet brutal effectiveness of the exercises and workouts – so tough that while adults, crossfitters, seasoned trainee and booby lifters/pounders/builders (of all kinds) scoff at this book at being “kiddie” stuff – they can’t even do more than 20-30 seconds of some of the workouts in the book – if they can GET that far in even ONE of the exercises (lets say the bear crawl, a basic staple throughout the book).

If you really want kiddie stuff, then Kiddie Fitness is the ticket, though even that is too tough for a lot of the tubs of lard “sitting at home” reading this.

No, I’m not implying EVERYONE reading this is a tub of lard, but some are, and they need to be called out, but I’ll do it indirectly for a change. Hehe.

Anyway, it isn’t about how these exercises can, should and do take the place of the “blue pill” or Viagara and turn you into smoking hot RED – both in life (red pilled) and the SACK (no pilled). . .

It’s about something else altogether.

Some thing that most people either miss or ignore, consciously or unconsciously.

The MIND-BODY connection!

The brain, my friend is what controls all.

It truly is the most powerful muscle of them all by far, so far that you cannot even begin to compare.

And the way in which these animal like movements light your brain up is like nothing else.

No, I’m not going to tell you about science here i.e. heavy duty grip training, the connection the hands have to the drain, the primal feeling you get from the stretches these workouts give you and how they loosen not just your body, but BRAIN.

How they wake you up – energize you – and REINVIGORATE you – beyond – BELIEF!

I’m going to tell you something else.

The next time you feel tired, run down, irritated “bla!” – or just plain ole sore as heck (does that sound familiar these days – the first few??) – do this?

Crack open my bestseller on isometrics, truly the book that is the “missing link” and contains the secrets to old time strongmen’s stellar and superior strength and conditioning levels.

Do the downward dog position (in the way I advocate in the book – note – this is important – follow the instructions!).

Then, move from that position to the BEAR CRAWL.  (again, as I’ve told you to do in Animal Kingdom Workouts. Don’t just Google it – it wont help a kick – or – lick).

Should be easy to do for a lot of you if you know what you’re doing (ie dont get off the floor while you switch positions).

move around, either slowly or not.

Don’t focus on “working out”.

Just do the movement, focus on feeling.

Don’t even focus on times.

Just go for 20-30 seconds.

End of that, get back into the downward dog position, and keep stretching. Keep BREATHING deeply – use the secret I give you in 0 Excuses Fitness (hint – its there in the Video Series on it if you’re paying attention).

(Truly a spectacular secret that enables you to go from “huff puff” to “sanguine recover” within the space of less than a couple of seconds, and increases your stamina and conditioning levels beyond BOUNDS).

Then tell me how you feel.

If the “bla!” feeling hasn’t gone away, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle, and do the monkey walk too. Hehe.

Same thing can be said for ANY of the workouts and exercises in the book.

They truly do make you PRIMAL, give you that RAW “ferocity” you so WANT – that raw primal “look” – strength ….

… and most of all, they light your BRAIN up beyond belief!

As mine is right now.

Oh boy!

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up Animal Kingdom Workouts right HERE.

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