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Well, I sent out that last email about Biden and pushups, and the apparently open challenge he laid down to anyone that disagreed with him on what he said.
anyone that dared to challenge his so called fats.
Typo on purpose, hehe.
But point of THIS email ?
It is this – lots o fyou reading this, and lots of you will whine about this – is that “Well, Rahul’s younger than Joe!”
Not to mention Sleepy Joe himself, thats the first thing that would come to his mind.
Now I could rebut all this by pointing out my own example i.e. unfittest at the age I was supposed to the fittest, and a fitness phenom post 35 – and then some.
“You’re exceptional though”, some would say.
That I am.
(not exactly the most humble either am I).
But it’s true!
The cuckolds and Nazi feminists will whine and moan about “so what” before going back to age as an excuse.
But really, my friend – its not an excuse for anything.
Colonel Saunders succeeded in a big way – the first time in his life – POST sixty.
I’ve not seen a single US President thus far who wasn’t somewhat “advanced in years”.
My 70 plus year old grandfather used to swim with me daily at 4 in the morning (well, we woke up at that Ungodly hour! I was the only grand child brave enough to do it, hehe. I still remember going to the cousin’s “house” in that ole Fiat of his, and calling out, and my Aunt saying “not today, Dad!”).
And really, present day?
If Clint Eastwood can do proper pushups at the age of 88 plus, and perhaps 90 plus – one arm pushups at that?
If Jack La Lanne could do some of the most difficult exercises ever known to man well into his advanced years?
Well then, my friend, if you make and use age as an excuse – then you’re a pansy.
Plain and simple.
I ain’t saying Sleepy Joe would – to the best of my knowledge, he hasn’t anywhere, but it sure does seem like the sort of thing he’d moan about if he lost. Hehe.
But many, many people globally would.
“He’s far younger” or “he’s far older” would be the chant far and wide.
Like it matters a damn.
You’re only as old as you think you are, my friend.
I can barely remember my own age, to be honest, and like I’ve said so many times before, when people look at me, they think I’m still about 27.
All about the mind!
And of course, a fitness program that keeps you youthful till the day you pass.
Check it out here – oh, and remember the 40% discount we’ve got going on. 50% if you pay via Wallet!
Discount code – JUL42021.
Have – at!
Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
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