Why it is almost impossible to vibrate at a super high level without regular correct EXERCISE.
- Amen!

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My friend,

I’ve often spoken about the importance of vibrations.

Some, usually the Typical Tom Tom’s, and “hoo haas” have dismissed this as being “just talk that doesnt work”.

I still remember when I sent a lengthy wechat note about it in 2017 to my (then) wife.

The response I got, so acerbic it was, you might wonder how could two people that truly wanted each other to start out with HATE each other so much now.

Thats one thing.

But that aside (I could care less about the hate side of it, I get that all the time!) – the sheer tone of incredulousness in her voice, something you cannot fake, was nigh evident.

Fast forward to today, and she’s doing all she can to learn about these from the Joo Tube “gurus” and shamians “here today, gone tomorrow” with their xxxxx number of followers (when they get deplatformed, guess what happens!).

This isn’t about her preferences though.

It’s about the fact that despite the immense hardships I’ve had to go through in my life, the typical TOm Tom’s usually doing drugs on Mommy’s credit card (or was it Dad’s??) label me as “being lucky”.

“He’s the one that gets all the girls!”

Or, more accurately, as a friend once remarked (though he was a great guy!)”

“Raooool’s got all the girls!”


I love Dwayne (different Dwayne from the guy I’ve mentioned before in these emails. A true BROTHA for the ages, hehe).

I love ’em both!

But anyway, its about vibrations, friend.

It’s about connecting with your subconscious. It’s about, most importantly, trusting the magic will happen – at the right time – and when it does, voila!

You barely even register it happening, you’re so busy doing and rejoicing!

True, that period is one where you should rejoice – yet take stock of the FUTURE.

“Success is a fickle bird, for if you get complacent, it grows wings and flies away sooneth. Always remember, friend. Plenty of others waiting to take YOUR PLACE!”

Rahul Mookerjee

Jeff Bezos, for one, understands this better than anyone else.

David Goggins does too.

He describes success and getting complacent as “dont! Because that shit disappears like a flash of hot oil in a frying pan”.

I’m always amazed at people who just “Read” these words and then do exactly F -all.

Of course, not everyone’s a DOER!

But part of the key to vibrating at the highest levels, friend (and believe me, I’ve been guilty of basking in success – and YES, it DID go away! And life taught me that lesson very well like it did Napoleon Hill.

“You’ve been a stubborn student! You had to be cured of your affliction (shying away from what he was really meant to do!) through temporary disappointments and setback. GO home NOW, and put these words to paper (what he had in his mind about success then).

Outwitting the Devil) … is EXERCISE.

Regular hard exercise, and workouts that work you internally and externally. the MIND too!

Believe me, it’s not the Jim Jam at the Jim Shim pounding away and preeing and oiling that gets you there.

Those workouts are superficial.

What truly does it is REAL workouts.

Sure, you can lift weights.

But there is a way to do so, and not do so.

Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness tells you how to workout with weights if you simply must!

But it aint a book for the Tom Tom’s, I’ll say that. It ain’t got no preeing and posing either, so please be aware of that before buying.

It’s down to earth hard hitting training info with weights – and the workouts you’ll see incorporate BOTH weights and bodyweight in a SENSICAL manner.


Bottom line, your workouts should leave you feel energized!

Or, if they’re the long ass ones I did – drained – YET ENERGIZED at the end of it!

I’ve pumped and toned when I was young, friend, and not only did I not feel energized – I was growing fatter by the day and more miserable.

I could barely run around the block even after watching the nth re-rerun of Rocky, drunkenly deciding “I’l do it tomorrow” – andthen tomorrow, I could barely do it!


I haven’t ran in over a month.

You can bet though if I had to, I’d sprint up stairs like nothing (with a brief warm up).

And I wouldn’t even feel it the next day like I wrote about the other day.

But more on vibration.

Recently, a decision had to be made regarding some paperwork.

A lot of it, in fact.

It was supposed to be done NOW i.e. August.

For some reason, I pre-poned it “lets it get done NOW!”

And it’s done now. And as I look outside, the inclement weather makes me wonder “what if I had done it per the original plan”?

(Nah, this ain’t about the Shanghai typhoon, but remember, I lived in an area for years which might as well be Cherrapunji! (in China, hehe)). I’m not a stranger to rain, reference that last post I wrote!

But the original plan was something else, yet, my subconscious changed it, and it was all for the better.

“whatever happens happens for the best” as a guy recently told me.

I’ve always believed so too, friend.

And vibrations, those vibrations are how you attract – either good or bad – into your life.

Vibrations are what decide how your life is going – NOW.

Sure, you could dismiss all this as hoo haa.

But it’s not.

Of course, convincing those that will never be is a losing battle, you’d be better off not even trying.

But back to fitness . . .

Yes, there ARE some exceptions to this rule – but very few.

Truly exceptional exceptions.

Even in those cases, you’ll find a lot of movement -and not sitting on rumpus the whole day.

Trump once famously declared “exercise depletes my batteries, so I dont need it” (something to that nature).

But look at all the rallies he does all the running around, all the energy, all the walking … for a man over 70 something, thats a hell of a lot anyway!

I dont much like Obama – never really have.

I don’t like Biden either, and I’m starting to like him a lot less as I see more and more of him “the true self”. Before, he had the “nice old guy” routine which I almost fell for, now, you’re seeing the real Joe!

Thats how liberals are.

And as a great customer told me in May “the media created that image for him”.

Spot on, as always.

Creepy Joe and Hyena Harris, I call ’em.

(I never liked Harris from the word go. FAKE!!!)

But back to Obama and Biden.

There is a lot to admire about how these men have kept themselves in shape despite the rigors of the Oval Office (as opposed to Hyena Harris – you can see the lard piling on daily despite her idiotic video of “Joeeeeeeeee we won!” while jogging when she was given the news last year).

I dont agree with how Biden does it.

But hey, to each his own – and if he truly does pushups?

Well, spot on Joe!

Obama too.

Of course, the best PResidents have been avid exercisers.

Teddy Roosevelt, I believe he was so tough they tried to shoot him once during a rally, the bullet got in his “lapel button” or something, it penetrated the skin too – he simply pulled it out and kept speaking!

True story.

Real strongman.

Then Raegan, I believe, one of the all time greats who used the Power Wheel, something you’re going to read about in Lumberjack “Lodestone” Fitness.

No, it’s not just about book on weight training.

In fact, barbells and dumbbells don’t even MAKE IT IN.

Kettlebells do though!

So thats that for now – friend. I think I’ll go work a bit on the book – the kettlebell section.

In the meantime, remember everything I’ve said before – all very true!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Irwin, thanks for your order – youll get yours PRONTO once done!

And those of you, and there seem to be quite a few still “on the fence” about getting it, well, I dont know what to tell you.

Except, life waits for nobody, friend…

Wanna get left behind, well, be my guest.

Don’t wanna ? Be my guess there too!

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