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The great Gama who reputedly did thousands of squats and pushups daily started at a tender age, and do it should be.
Old habits die Hard. Enough said.
At the age of 9, he participated in a competition not just slomgside ordinary adults, but wrestlers, some great of the time.
The Maharaja – one of Indias many at the time has organized the competition “a last man standing” sort of thing .
No man stood.
The Gama did, and was reportedly bed ridden for weeks after that.
Now, why this story?
Lots of folks have this very erroneous idea that bodyweight squats are somehow “inferior” to Hindus. Including yours truly when I first started…
These, and many other wrong ideas is why I wrote squat 101.
Don’t get me wrong.
Hindu squats are great.
But ignoring bodyweight squats in favor of the former …well, you’d be Ill advised to do so.
I’ve started why before and in the book
And as I get done with 250 squats, heart hammering as I write this on the dumb phone – man!!
I focused on breath. With each rep.
Ass to grass letter perfect form.
I did not overly worry about time, yet, when I finally looked at the clock (yes, still have one!!) .. wow. It did not take much longer than normal.
I’ve always said and rightly so you shouldn’t take forever and a day for 500 squats.
You keep going.
But not and never at the expense of your form and breathing.
You don’t take long breaks either. I paused for breath yes, but I remained on my feet. Do this right, you will understand the great wisdom behind the saying “Your breath is your power”. It really is!
More in the book, but for now, and again, nothing works hamstrings and butt better than bodyweight squats done right.
And halfway thighs parallel to the floor ain’t the right way.
“Pump in thighs” my ass – pun intended.
Bottom – pun – line.
Get Squat 101.
Read, learn, and then apply.
And that’s that!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Overreliance on Hindus or any one way of exercising is ill advised. A strength over extended does become a weakness. In this case, your thighs get stronger, hamstrings weaker. Not good. The back of your body is where the power comes from .. coming from someone with naturally weak and majorly inflexible hamstrings, you better listen!
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