John Abraham had it spot on.

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Exercise these days in addition to the “I’m big not fat” and gym bullshit has descended these into Selfie City Central..

In China, I still remember Bozo Schofield pestering me daily about “how many girls wanted your wechat today”.

Ok, we all know many did.

Not near as many know how much it irritated me. Sure, it’s very flattering to be compared to a movie star, porn star, whatever the hell it is, but that’s not why I did those four long excruciatingly difficult hikes daily for years.

It’s a battle daily, my friend.

A competition against yourself.

You’re never too good to learn or improve.

“Don’t worry about the girls! They’re all hot and sweaty there too” was my roomies response to my not working out near as much as I should when I was 19.

I wasn’t. I was more conscious of myself – how I’d look in comparison to the Bozos preening in the Jim…

“His camera angles suck”.

“The photos are terrible”



But pretty ain’t what we are about. It ain’t real life. Neither is it fitness.

John Abraham, Indian movie star was once asked by another movie star and yogini Shipla Shetty about how he felt about folks constantly asking for selfies when he was training.

His response – classic.

“My gym is my temple”, he responds. “You wouldn’t ask for these selfies if you saw me praying at a temple, would you?”

(Mosque, church, whatever it is).

And that says it all, my friend.

Keep doing the thing.

Always remember to stay hard.

And thats that.

Truly what 0 Excuses Fitness is all about – has always been, always will be.

Take it or leave it.

The choice – and the associated results or lack thereof – is also YOURS.


Rahul Mookerjee

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