Sprints make you feel INVINCIBLE!

Ok, so I’m on one of my pet favorites again . . . sprints!

Bourne sprints, perhaps I should. Or perhaps a version of moonlight sprints.

Or perhaps a mixture of the two, since Bourne didn’t actually do what I did in the sequence I’m going to mention.

But the subway was involved in both cases! ?

Now, I’ve mentioned my subway sprints back in 2008 (when I was in New Delhi for a period of time before bailing out again)  . . . and how they ensured I kept in great, great shape despite lack of access to a hill nearby.

In fact, all I did for cardio was 250 pushups a day.

That’s right.

For cardio!

And if you don’t believe me, get on some of the rapid fire workouts in Pushup Central, and you’lls ee what I mean about your heart turning into a sledgehammer literally going BAM BAM inside your chest!

Against your ribs. That HEART pounding feeling!

Pushups are one of the best exercises not just to build super strength and muscle, but also for super conditioning and weight loss, and here’s the thing.

B ack then, I didn’t know half of what I do now about pushups. And the real key, which is to do ‘em in sets and quickly.

I’d still do ‘em, don’t get me wrong, and various types of pushups, but nowhere near the “cornucopia of pushups” I teach now, and certainly not the handstand pushups (weak wrist that the  pushups eventually remedied – remember?).

And yet, I not only maintained my weight, but as Brooks Kubik once told me, “whittled my waist” down even further.


Well, that ONE sprint a day.

Either done in full office attire, long hair flying behind me and a heavy ass laptop on my shoulders, and THREE steep flights of stairs, and a real RACE to get the subway before it departed!

And one fine day, I was in jeans and T shirt, going to work (yes, THAT JOB!) and didn’t have the laptop with me (left it in the office).

And I literally TORE up them stairs like a TIGER.

Literally BOUNDING up them stairs, three stairs at a time, something I don’t normally do. In the back of mind that word “co-ordination/nasty fall’ popped up, but hey, my body took care of it!

And at the end?

The train was THERE.


As I reached the top of the third flight of stairs, my heart was pounding like nothing I’d ever known.

And the doors were about to close!

And I made one last dash for it.


A dude covered in sweat and panting like a runaway horse or perhaps an old steam locomotive chuffing uphill literally banged his way through the doors with such a loud BANG that the security standing there looked up alarmed for a second.

That was the time India had paramilitary guarding the subways (probably still does, I’m not sure).

And they looked at that BULL LIKE sprint.

Or I did! As I looked back at it .

Shoulders hunched, head down, and FULL SPEED AHEAD, much like Bourne does in the Bourne sprints, except he’s got obstacles to avoid so heads up. In my case, I don’t think anyone would have wanted to come between me and the doors ,paramilitary or not!

One of them stood up, and “unconsciously” started towards me.

And smiled!


THAT feeling!

HE’d been trained the same way!

And that, my friend, is the moral of today’s story. Train quick, and train hard – and feel like a runaway Brahma BULL all day long. That’s all there is to it!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Here is the course that will develop RAW grizzly like strength in your entire CORE And upper body, and TRAPS like a Brahma bull on RUNAWAY steroids – – Shoulders like Boulders!

Whay Ben Settle said about building a business on HATE . . .

And he was right!

Spot on, more than he knew probably at the time (or maybe he “did know”).

Not purely on hate of course, but I gotta tell you this – HATE, my friend, and HATERS – – a lot of them, especially the wackos, el cheapo deapos, lowlifes and losers in general (in both life, business and everything) are ESSENTIAL if you’re to truly succeed at pretty much anything you do my friend.

Long sentence that, but it’s TRUE.

Now, Dan Kennedy, that MASTER from whom we’ve ALL learnt (well, all of us annoying marketers, hehe) had this to say about hate.

Every time he got a hate filled email, a negative and baseless comment, or something utterly meaningless filled with hate he wouldn’t just smile.


He’d literally stand up from his chair, STOP whatever it was that he was doing at the time (yes, even writing!) – and he’s scream HURRAH. LOUDLY.

Very loudly!

At first, I didn’t quite understand this when I read it in the book.

But like all good books (Think and Grow Rich being one prime example) one reading isn’t enough. You have to read the book dozens of times and practice what it tells you to do before you can begin to grasp the IMPORT of the words therein.

Same thing with my books, for that matter. You cannot just read Pushup Central once and be done with it, for instance. It’s a lifetime companion, and that’s how it should be. Ditto for all my other courses as well.

But these days, as the number of names that I’ve been called (all uncomplimentary, hehe!) and the list itself swells to over 650 (yes, I’ve kept track ?) . . . this makes more and more sense to me.

As it has been for the past few years. I’ve never actually stood up and screamed hurrah, but it’s not the action that counts.

It’s the EMOTION that action alights in your mind!

And for me, it’s sitting in my cave and having a few quiet chuckles at having “got ‘em” yet again.

Hey, Ben Settle wrote about it. Building a business on hate and being defined more by your haters than raving fans. And he was RIGHT.

He was right about a lot of other things too and as I look back, I realize I’ve been unconsciously following the same pattern of doing things as he does. For instance, building a business to YOUR specifications. As Dan Kennedy said.

Getting clients YOU want (again, Kennedy). And so forth.

I hate videos and photos, for one, but love to write, so guess why there are so many books, but not that many videos, and even the very exhaustive videos for the 0 Excuses Fitness System have been shot in the “cave”, hehe.

Anyway . . . back to “hate”.

Matt Furey, back in the early 2000’s released his version of the 1914 course (written by farmer Burns) “Lessons in Wrestling and Physical Culture”.

And the hate he got for selling it for $500 . . . oh MY!

Some of the threads on forums were PAGES long, and Furey, at that time still sort of new to the game would often wonder if he was doing the right thing, the amount of hate he was getting.

But and as all of us, including yours truly from the year 2017 that I started getting the comments about the REVAMPED version of the Gorilla Grip series understood, it wasn’t really hate.

And the schoolboyish and ongoing episode with “Bozo Schofield” (and the curious case of the Charles that seems to want to “enable his madness” regardless – although he DID say he didn’t want to hear from again, but actions count, and his actions seem to be the exact opposite of what he is saying) and of course many other episodes (most notably the time I wrote about why I would NOT learn Mandarin Chinese if you PAID ME TO DO SO) show me it ain’t really about hate.

Bozo Schofield, believe it or not, extended his version of an olive branch way back in March.

Which I obviously did not accept, as I don’t have relationships with scorpions . . .

. . . And once I didn’t take it, it was all gloves OFF.

How DARE he not take my olive branch, he raged.

And still does.

How DARE you call me out on your site!

Curiously enough, and this is hilarious, most of these nutjobs contradict themselves big time.

Nutjob Glyn, for one, says I have “two followers” and “no-one buys my books”.

And apparently one of those followers is him and one a shell account, so he isn’t even right about that since I instantly blocked him and his photo-op session on Twitter . . .

When I wrote the aforementioned article about not learning Chinese if you paid me to do so, the criticism ran pages long.

One fine lady chimed in (amongst many others).

“I hate you Americans! You’re all racist! “

And there were two voices of reason amongst all this.

One, a quiet chuckle from a guy that said “Hey guys. You’re making a big deal out of nothing!”

And second, the guy that responded to the above lady.

“He’s racist for saying he doesn’t want to learn Chinese, but what you said isn’t racist?”

Needless to say lady never responded …

Anyway, past the schoolboyish tom tomming (self tom tomming) and hate filled words, the VIBE behind the words as I’ve often said is what counts, not the words themselves.

It’s HOW you say it.

Not WHAT you say, so much . . .

At least for me!

And JEALOUSY is the vibe that stands out big time both bozo Schofield and perhaps a little for my buddy Charles who famously made the “you’re a one man show!” comment back in January (admittedly for a different biz tho).

Hey, guys.

If I truly have no followers, no-one follows me, no-one reads what I say, then why would you get your knickers in a twist for me “whistling Dixie out my ass” ?

The point begets. Think about it, hehe, if the brains at “Braniac Central” still work.

It’s jealousy.

How dare he!

How dare he break out of the “loser” bucket we associated him with!

Remember the “Crabs in a bucket” and the ONE crab that gets out, and the rest trying to pull it back in which I’ve written about?

And so forth . . .

Anyway, this has gone on for long enough so let’s stop here.

Except . . .

It applies to fitness too!


Your current fitness levels and success is defined more by how much you do the activities you “hate” to do.

When slogging up the hill five times a day in blazing heat, the LAST thing on my mind was success of any form.

The LAST thing I was thinking about was books and courses.

ALL I was thinking about was getting her done, and getting back to air conditioning, and cold water!

But I did it, day after day, year after year.

Ditto for my 2000-2500 jump rope workouts daily. A lot of times I don’t like to do ‘em, especially not in a cauldron like I do.

As Charles said, I don’t know how you can keep working out in that heat!

Well, that gumption is what seperates men from the boys my friend.

Results from no results (and the Belly of Buddha hanging down to one’s nether regions, replete with man tits. Not you, but you get the drift and who I am referring to . . . ).

And really, success from NONE.

Chew on that for a while, and let me know what you think!

Best ,

Rahul Mookerjee

PS – My book on handstand pushups seems to be getting a lot of interest as of late, and rightfully so. Handstand pushups are one of the best damned exercises you can do, and SHOULD DO for the rest of your life! Here is where you can grab the book: Shoulders like Boulders.

Pull-ups and hill sprints!

An awesome combo if any, and though yours truly always advocates having TONS of tool in that training toolkit of yours, this is one combo you could follow for the rest of your life, do nothing and make AWESOME gains.

For those that want more, you could perhaps work in swimming. Or perhaps deadlifts etc if you’re into REAL weightlifting. (not the pumping and toning to impress the babes).

But that’s all you need, if done right, and not even on a daily basis.

Yes, you read that right.

The guy who advocates doing something daily is saying you don’t need to follow that combo on a daily basis, and in fact, truth be told, if you DO sprint daily, chances are you’ll actually slow down your gains as opposed to gain MORE.

Anyway, one of my friends is back in the US of A, and is in a lovely wooded area right next to the Canadian borders.

Awesome scenery, plenty of great food, training and fresh air – and of course my eternal favorite – HILLS!

I was talking to him yesterday, and before we got off the phone, he told me he had to go to the gym and then a hike.

And then sent me some pictures of the countryside later.

Damn. Beautiful. Idyllic. Away from all the BS (and believe me, he’s dealt with a LOT as of late).

As they say, the darkest hour is always before the dawn, and it certainly was in in his case.

I recommended him to read Shantaram, a book I recommend ALL OF YOU on this list to read – written by Gregory David Roberts about an Aussie’s adventures in India – – ah, but wait. None of this was why I was writing any of this, was it??


Hill sprints, and pull-ups! Or the other way around.

My friend has lost of a ton of weight over the past few months, and NOT in a good way. “Gaunt” would be  a good way of describing how he looked at the time he took the picture he sent me. Bad ass still yes, but gaunt.

And he’s training daily, getting stronger and healthier, and FITTER!

“Hey, man. I don’t know what you do in the gym. But it’s probably deadlifts etc if you’re weightlifting, and hitting the heavy bag . . . but if there’s one thing you need to be doing, it’s pull-ups. Do pull-ups, and LOTS and LOTS of them, and preferably on thick bars. Them traps will start a-popping (again) in no time!”

For those that don’t know, my friend is a natural gainer. The “ironmonger arms” sort, so it won’t take him long at all on a decent routine and if he adds in hill sprints?


Watch out!

There is a REASON I emphasize sprints of all kinds so heavily in Advanced Hill Training, my friend.

A damn good reason.

Sprints are the Mecca and Medina of leg training, and indeed OVERALL body training and conditioning. I wrote that years and years ago in Fast and Furious Fitness and the point stands.

Sprints, either done Bourne style on flat land (though remember, Damon did HILL runs to get in shape for that movie?) or hills work your entire body into the ground like NOTHING ELSE Can.

And they build muscle and strength all over the entire body like NOTHING can. Like NO OTHER exercise can.

Hill sprints. Stair sprints. Stadium stair sprints. Subway stair sprints. I don’t care what it is, but work a sizeable incline in there and you’ve got the BEST FAT LOSS tool ever, and best part is it don’t take all day either.

If you’re doing things right, your sprint routine shouldn’t take more than 15-20 minutes tops, and MOST, I repeat MOST of that will be REST!

And when you finish off (or start with) pull-ups – you’ve truly got the best of both worlds in terms of strength and muscle building, and overall HEALTH and fitness too!

Try this little combo, and let me know how it goes!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Fast and Furious Fitness was my FIRST BOOK, and therefore still very dear to my heart, and the ONLY BOOK I’m STILL offering in paperback (from this site) for those that want it. The site offers the digital version, but for those that want the paperback  shoot me an email and we’ll get back to you. Truly a collectors version, and an EVERGREEN classic, but only while copies last!

PS #2 – Make sure to grab Advanced Hill Training right HERE.

One arm hangs, and MORE !

So I just got done what I got done doing yesterday (halfway that is).

I think I stopped watching “Bloodshot” the latest Vin Diesel movie halfway through and wrote to you about my ultra, uber, sore forearms (which have recovered fine by now, hehe).

No, no little thingie dingies running around in my BLOODSTREAM fixing allt hat up for me!

Just a good rest, sleep and natural recovery (and an increasingly fruit based diet these days, for the nonce at least, but we will get into that later).

Suffice it to say that while the world in general needs a cleansing every so often (every so many years), your BODY needs the same every once in a while as well.

And though I don’t really do the fruitarian diet thing (and don’t recommend it, or ANY diet for that matter), my first famous meal of the day has been nothing but fruits.

Your favorite fitness “guru” has been pretty explicit about the time of day he gorges on his first meal, so I think no need to go there!

But again, and anyway.

Bloodshot? The reviews?

Not too bad if you’re a Diesel fan, and I’m not. Never have been. But other hand, I can watch the guy all day long without being a fan, because dude is just so hardcore in his roles!

Ditto for the dude that recently did “Extraction” (can’t quite remember his name – but now that dude – in shape for one!).

Anyway, there’s a scene towards the end of the movie when Diesel is hanging on for dear life by ONE hand to a rapidly crumbling and collapsing part of a skyscraper, looking ready to hurtle down to terra firma (which seems miles beneath) and even his genetically engineered and programmed body would probably never survive that!

And he’s hanging on for dear life, until he finally does a gorilla.

Pulls himself up by one arm – the fingers.

Not quite the silverback Gorilla in an Orlando Zoo I once mentioned that pulled itself out of its smooth walled, shiny new enclosure via ONE TINY CRACK – but pretty close! Not for nothing that Diesel is referred to as a potential GORILLA at the end of the movie by a character that is just hilarious . . .

And point of me saying all this?

Well, this.

That one arm hangs build strength like no-one’s business, and the GRIP as well.

I haven’t included one arm work in any of my books as yet, but  that don’t mean it’s not been around. Clint Eastwood for one was popping off one arm pushups at the “ripe old age of 80 plus” if I recall correctly in public at that!

And while I’m not sure what sort of training Diesel does, and if it was actually him doing the dead hang or a stunt double, it looked pretty cool.

I’ve been including plenty of one arm pulling and hangs these days in my routine, and that’s probably yet another reason for the forearms being as damned sore as they ARE.

Not to mention that omni present badge of honor – CALLUSES – springing up in new patterns all over my palms . . .

And the one thing that I do differently, and that I’d recommend you to do?

When doing pull-ups in general, I have ALWAYS recommended in ALL my books to go to a dead hang FIRST and HOLD.

And then commence the movement, and ditto for when you finish it.

This advice runs contrary to what a lot of people say about avoidinging the last bit of a dead hang, and if your shoulders are completely shot, may make sense to start out that way but I Still don’t recommend it.

Build them tendons is what I say. And the best way to do that is by doing the thing.

But when it comes to one arm work, remember that these sort of hangs are VERY TOUGH on the shoulder joint, and for you beginners, keeping a bit of tension in there may actually help.

The goal is to do one arm pull-ups like you’d do normal pull-ups (indeed, those are what I was ALSO working upon today).

But when you first start . . . go easy. And if you have to really tense the shoulder area, go for it.

And that’s that for this email. I’m feeling great. Off I go for now, and back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – One arm hangs, you say. I can barely hang on to the bar with both hands for any length of time!

I hear you, my friend. You ain’t alone by a long shot. Good news is THIS course right here will make a pull-up MONSTER out of you in no time flat, just as it has PLeNTY OF other people globally – Pull-ups – – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS.

Doing things the “easy way” – – or the “hard way”?

I don’t know why, but I’ve always seemed to favor the latter option! Hehe.

Now, that isn’t the most practical of routes to take.

But sometimes and often times “practicality” has to be put into the background and your GUT needs to be obeyed!

I’ve lived my entire life based upon gut feeling, was what I told my buddy from the Marines once, and he agreed.

“We’ve both lived our entire lives based upon that!”

And the GUT knows far better than “logic” my friend. Your intuition and those on the spur of the moment FEELINGS and DECISIONS do a far far better job of “pointing you in the right direction for YOU” than anyone else ever could.

Or any amount of books or logic ever could . . .

Your subconscious thrifts through everything at a speed even the fastest super computer would be jealous of, and yet, amazingly enough the vast majority of people ignore it!

Anyway, story time you ask?

Well, OK. But before that, remember that time in 2018 when I was FORCED into making a decision ON THE SPOT – on the SPUR of the moment for which I was NOT READY – right after a tough workout and run!

My enemies were literally WAITING in place for me right there and then. They still are, but I’m better prepared this time around!

And I’ve no doubt they’re thinking of more ways to “scheme against me”, but hey, that ain’t the story I want to share in this one.

Back in the year 2001, I believe (if memory serves me right, I don’t know) I was in New York.

The state, not the city, and I was working for G.E Power Systems as a junior coder basically.

“He doesn’t need to be taught anything! He just goes on to Google and learns what he needs to!”

Were the words my superior at the time told my manager when asked (and my supervisor). Yes, I was at the very bottom of the pecking chain, hehe.

And being they were coding in Visual Basic at the time, one of my favorite languages at that point, well, that helped! As did a certain Mary Gregg who did a fine job of teaching us the basics in VB 101 (or was it 203) in school . . .

Anyway . . .

At the time I was living in an apartment, and the move from down South to NY meant we (girlfriend and myself) left our (her) car behind.

And so we were in this little bitty apartment (studio) for a while, with a cHinese guy as a neighbor who worked at the same place, and very graciously offered to drop me to work with him, and back too (although I would often walk back myself).

And I still remember what he kept telling me in the car. . .

“Rahul, you’re so damned lucky! You have an American girlfriend!”

“Marry her, and you’ll get citizenship!”

And he said this so often that it made me wonder.

Now, remember that at the time I didn’t know jack shit about China. I’d find out later that for the Chinese, you could have passports from several different nations, but your SKIN COLOR and ethnicity is all they really care about (and indeed, even today, ethnic Chinese in China with US passports are being detained against their will despite the fact they aren’t Chinese nationals!). . .

And “Fang”, the friendly dude was no exception to this rule. He didn’t even know that …. Ah, but I won’t get into that on here. ?

I remember thinking, damn. That’s the easy way out ain’t it.


In fact, I know a guy that got married just so he could get student loan which he still apparently has not re-paid . . .

Anyway, the easy way.

I remember thinking the following “what a cop out”.

Do I really want to (if I needed to) do things that way?

Nah. I’d rather do it on my own if I really needed it!

And that’s how I’ve been all my life my friend.

For some reason, the “beaten path” of a regular job never appealed to me. Sure, I did it for a while when I first moved to cHina, but much like with Napoleon Hill, I never “stuck” with any of them jobs. Same thing in India, the middle East, and back in China again.

I even tried something I hate with a passion – ESL – but despite the school offering me a hefty pay package – no way. It wasn’t destined to last!

And fitness wise, I’m the same way.

I do it MY WAY.

Which is usually never the easy way, and I’ll tell you this damn much my friend – the SATISFACTION that comes from FINALLY achieving after doing it the HARD way is what makes it all worth it!

Fitness wise, it wasn’t fun waking up at 5 AM to hike in biting cold. Daily. Without fail. And then put in a day of work . . .

. . . or, climbing mountains in the middle of the day in scorching heat and humidity in Southern China.

But I did it. My way.

And along the way, the satisfaction I got was UNPARALLED!

Now, I realize this may not be the way for everyone.

And that’s fine.

But I’m here to tell you – in fitness, and life, if you’re after REAL success, there ain’t no easy way out, pardner.

That’s just how it is.

You can do things QUICK and you SHOULD! But “easy”?

If that’s what you’re looking for, well, you’re at the wrong place mi amigo.

But if you’re into the REAL deal – looking for the REAL deal, the “Real Mc Coy” as some of my customers like to say – – well – – I’m here for ya!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – There ain’t no easy way out, my friend. Rocky was right in the fourth installment. Sometimes you gotta take on Goliaths and take ‘em down! And then of course work with them years later in the Expendables . . . ?

PS #2 – OK, and in terms of doing things quick? The 0 Excuses Fitness System requires very little investment in terms of time my friend. 15 minutes a day is all you really need – you CAN GO Longer if you want, but you don’t have to. Learn how right HERE.

P.P.S – And yes, I WILL pimp my products in every email I send. If that aint your cup of tea, well, the Unsubscribe link is there for a reason! Hehe.

Forerarm TORTURE!

Ok, so a coupla things . . .

My forearms are sore . . . sore as HECK!

And I’ve been watching “Bloodshot”, which from the looks of it seems to be the Hollywood version of “masala flicks” with an Indian dude as an I.T. guy no less, and a slightly “pudgy” (around dthe face at least!) looking Vin Diesel (still looking bad ass though!) kicking ass everywhere he goes.

Diesel dies when the bad guys shoot him.

And then, mysteriously he’s “resurrected” in a top secret (so it would seem) lab in the future.

And he isn’t just brought back to life.

He’s become even more of a machine, a WRECKING machine than he was before!

You see, the “science” behind all this puts little thingy’s in his body to miraculously “repair” broken bones, tissues, muscles etc (and even a half blown apart face) before you can say “voila”.

And it seems to work, especially as you see him punching through punching bags (hey, that reminds me of my buddy!) – – and walls no less.

And though they try and take his memory away and delete the “revenge” part of things, it doesn’t seem to be working too well. At least not until 50 minutes or so into the damn movie, which is when I paused it to stop and write to you. Hehe.

Because my damn forearms are sore as hell today, and I ain’t got no little “thingies” working overtime in them to “repair” the broken down muscle fibers.

And just what did I do to torture my forearms this much?

Well, simple.

Two things at least.

Rope jumping, and PULL-ups, and then floor work.

But the pull-ups and the SEQUENCE in which I did ‘em, something I don’t often do is what made my forearms super sore.

I do my pull-ups on a thick, thick bar. You guys are well aware of that.

But what I did different was one arm hangs on that thick bar for TIME.

More importantly, I found THICK handled gymnastic rings, and did pull-ups hammer grip style on them.

And I alternated all this for 50 reps.

And NOW, I’m sore as heck my friend. Mostly in the forearms, and while I’ll be hitting it hard and heavy tomorrow, the only thing missing would be ROPE work.

But I’m getting much of the same impact grip wise from what I’m doing, of course.

That doesn’t mean you can skip rope climbing etc, but damn – this little combo here I’ve given you will truly give you a grip of STEEL, and then some!

Try it out sometime, and let me know how you do!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – HERE is the ONE definitive course on pull-ups (I know, most of you can’t do a single one as yet!) that will get you cranking them out like there is NO TOMORROW – Pull-ups – – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!

The two secrets to becoming an engagement machine . . .

So here we go again – on a marketing standpoint this time!

And not just marketing. Keeping it real. Saying it like it is. And so forth . . .

A short while ago (well, a few months ago) I wrote bout how I wouldn’t learn Mandarin Chinese (other than what I do know of it already, all learnt in extremely pleasant circumstances if you guys get my drift ?) if you PAID me to do so.

And I meant every word of it while writing it.

And a short while later, after I posted it, and shared it to all my social media. Oh boy.

I still remember, I was taking a walk outside and the messages just KEPT flying in.

Thick and fast.

And while you may not expect me to say it, most of them were HATE filled messages.

A few (and a lot that didn’t respond) had the vibe of approval, but the most vocal of the lot were the “haters”.

I’ll see if I can find the link to it on social media. Ya’ll (those of ya’ll) that can’t stand me may want to have a go at me there too! ?

And here’s the nub of the matter,and indeed why I am bringing it up.

The piece is STILL one of my most widely red pieces without me doing a shred (or lick) of marketing for it.

What do I mean?

Well, the haters hated so much that I couldn’t respond individually to all of ‘em.

Much like those that hated Gorilla Grip when it first came out in its revamped form, hehe.

The criticism could fill pages (and did).

And while I responded to a couple of the comments off the cuff, mostly, no. No way I could even if I wanted to, which I didn’t. who cares, eh.

And curiously enough, sales rose a couple of days later.

Maybe most astoundingly enough, I didn’t market a SINGLE one of my books in that (what some people called) “rant” piece.

And yet . . .

Takeaway #1?

Is this.

As the great Ben Settle once famously said, you’re defined more by your HATERS than those that love you.

Sure, we all want repeat customers that will buy from us again, and again, and again, and spare no effort to tell you how much your products HELPED them, and to these people (Charless Mitchell for one), I am ETERNALLY grateful.

And I mean it!

But I am also equally grateful to those that hate me. With a passion, hehe.

IT wouldn’t be possible without either one of you.

And takeaway #2?

Well, your favorite President when running for election once posted a comment about a supermodel he supposedly was with years ago.

“She’s no longer a 10”, I believe went the comment.

And so FURIOUS was the backlash that you’d think he’d offered to unleash Armageddon on the planet.

That’s all. Five words.

There is a reason your favorite President is known as an engagement machine, my friend, and takeaway #2 isn’t so much WHY he does it (well, it is) but HOW.

HOW is the most important part, and it’s so ridiculously simple that you wouldn’t believe me if I let on to it here.

Anyway, those two takeaways should be food for thought for you a lot of you guys.

Last, but not least results talk and B.S. WALKS.

And I got plenty of the former, I’ll tell ya that.

And one of the best experiences amongst all these which taught me the MOST was what I learned “on the job” and later penned down in “The 10 Commandments of Successful Sales”.

A must grab for those of you looking to improve sales skills – and yes, it will work in any economy, including right now.

Go HERE to grab it if you’re so inclined!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And while you’re at it, check out our other fitness products right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/products

PS #2 – Be on the outlook for my course on how to really make that engagement COUNT! ?

There STANDETH . . . a MAN . . . OF HONOR!!

So, I gotta say it.

I just said to my buddy from the Marines, and I gotta tell YOU that too.

Sometimes, and not often, you come across men that really “make you feel it”!

Men that are the real deal.

Men that KNOW what life, rEAL LIFE IN THE TRENCHES – is all about!

Men that have been there and done that.

Men that are MEN OF HONOR. Outstanding bravery. And men that as (my friend once said) “could be born in the jungle and raised by monkeys, but he’d still have them as their BEST friends anyway, because they’re SOLID individuals, men of CHARACTER, and HIGH MORAL FIBER!”

(The above is coalesced from two comments into one, so my apologies if that sounds long).

And the most amazing part?

For most people at least.

That all this, and more isn’t something that can be measured.

IT’s intangible. You FEEL IT before you know it, and there is never really (sometimes) any logical explanation for it.

And I know this much.

When I first met my buddy from the Marines, that GRIP and the LOOK IN THE EYE – told me ALL I needed to know!

I didtn know specifics, of course. I didn’t know he was Force Recon. I didn’t know he was a high school wrestler. And so forth.

But I knew what was important.

And as that grip pulled me back like few others or NONE others actually have EVER have, I felt it!

I had seem him run up and down  mountains before, and he worked at a place I did before, but again … the point stands.

That first impression he made upon me was a damn good one, and very few people have done that to me my friend.

(and that’s what he said about me later).

Now, my point in saying all this…

. . . is that incredulous and unbelievable as it might sound, a man’s GRIP can tell you a LOT about him if you truly KNOW what it’s about.

I don’t mean you should try and crush everyone’s paws you meet.


But the way you grip, the way you move, that STANCE of yours (even if itsn’t a fighting stance) and the VIBE that you give off from being IN SHAPE (really in shape as opposed to puff buff nutzos at the gymmmmmmm brroooooooo) … that just cannot be replicated.

And that’s what today’s post is about.

A man’s GRIP can truly tell  you a lot about the man himself and that really as ole Steve Austin so famously used to say is the bottom line, son! ?


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – And that’s precisely why I put out as many courses on grip training as I have. My Gorilla Grip Advanced book was recently translated into Portugese as well and should be hitting the shelves shortly – stay tuned! Until then though, HERE is where you can check out my grip compilation.

The “black mamba” mentality

It lies in wait, doesn’t it?

The black MAMBA, the SNAKE (nah, get your mind out of the gutter if it’s there!) – that stealthily lies in wait for ages before finally STRIKING.

And when it does strike?

Boy oh boy. That prey is dead, often within minutes if you get my drift.

Now, I don’t know how good my biology is. I remember a very “sexy” teacher in ninth grade teaching us “anatomy” and me taking a particular instance in some of that if you get my drift (cough, cough! ?) but other than that?

Certainly no biology “expert” (and certainly no instructors noticing me as they did with my Math).

But I think I’m right. Speaking from memory here.

Compare that to the much larger anaconda, or perhaps even the Burmese python that can reportedly gobble up alligators in the Florida everglades (some idiot introduced them into the environment – WRONG MOVE!).

These are like a tank.

One constricts, slowly but surely, and the other does much the same.

Wheras the machine gun equivalent is the black mamba.

And in life, as well as fitness, I’ll take the latter – anyday!

Don’t get me wrong. The former is great. Brute strength for one is great, but without the mind to back it up, the “efficacy” of said strength is halved if not more.

It’s not enough to have power and strength – you gotta figure out and know how to use it best!

And this applies to life too.

Hide your strength, bide your time as I’m so fond of repeating!

If you’re in a war situation (especially these days), rarely, if EVER is the “real work” (not the “grunt work” but the REAL WORK) done by massive armies staring each other down and backing it up with weaponry.

The India China conflict means two of the worlds largest armies are doing just that as of now, and things will escalate soon, but the REAL work?

The REAL moving in the Indians did to prevent any more of their territory being taken was done by STEALTH.

It was done at NIGHT.

It was done quietly with not much fanfare or media attention.

And it was the Special Forces namely the Indo Tibetan guriellas that did it!

Don’t get me wrong. Regular army is and always will be needed to finish the job, but the real tactical blows, those that COUNT are struck by stealth.

You gotta be STUPID, for one to threaten someone openly even if you can back that talk up my friend.

Not saying you, the reader would, but a certain wacko did just that (I wrote about this before too) last night, and funnily enough, he’s about as far removed from beign able to back anything up other than his rear end into a wall when driving and then some . . .

. . . I mean, really dude.

DO it first, and then say it.

Or, PLAN first.

Lay in wait.

And THEN STRIKE when the time is opportune.

And if you tell the other person your intentions up front, well, you don’t have to be a reader of the common sense mentioned in the Art Of War – you’re disadvantaging yourself grossly.

Of course, to talk about Glyn and war in the same breath is just stupid.

He’s as far removed from a fighter or any sort of physical specimen. I remember him talking about the bail he jumped back in the UK and I’m pretty sure he still hasn’t “turned himself in” (the drunk driving I’m referring to above).

And I remember telling him a babyface like him wouldn’t last a second in jail, and I remember him sending long audio notes to – NOT the contrary, but repeating exactly what I said.

Ah, English teachers in China. Such an “interesting” breed a lot of them . . .

But back to the point.

Be a black mamba my friend in terms of FITNESS as well.

If you’re currently unable to do even a single pushup, then don’t brag about how you “will” get in shape.

DO it first – and then talk about it!

As Napoleon Hill famously said, Tell the world what you’re going to do, but show it first!

When I got started on my own fitness journey, I didn’t telegraph my intentions to the world (much like I don’t know in terms of LIFE, or when I start a new project etc).

I just DO it.

And THEN I’ll talk about it if need be.

Black mamba my friend.

Stealth, speed, cunning and most of all – that greatest virtue of them all – PATIENCE!

Rise up – – be a TRUE WARRIOR, not a keyboard junkie!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Here is the ONE definitive course on pushups that will have you bursting out of your SHIRTS in NO TIME FLAT – Pushup Central.

Muscles to GO, not just for SHOW!

Had a great, great start to the morning, talking to a few old friends.

One of them was Charles, whom I’m written about before. And I’m glad to report that despite our many disagremeents, we can still sit down together and discuss issues face to face, MAN to MAN, frankly and civily, and enjoy a beer or two, or MORE post discussion!

Unlike a certain wacko I’ve written about before whose currently on welfare in the UK and in the hospital apparently for yet another self inflicted drug overdose . . .

. . . and no, I ain’t got no sympathy for lunatics like that. For reasons mentioned months ago.

Hannibal Lecter might.

But even Lecter can back his talk up, and this guy, with his man tits hanging right down to his waist, well, the less said the better! Hehe.

Anyway, that was one thing. Second was something I wrote about on another site, someone that kept me up in the “wee” hours of the morning if you get my drift. ?

And the third, and best, and perhaps what I listened to first (the voice messages) (and hey, it’s strange how it works – dreams (those that I have at least) usually come true in REVERSE for me in some way, shape or form, and it seems writing is the same!).

I spoke to my buddy from the Marines.

He’s back in the good ole US of A.


And he has NO plans to return.

Double yippee. Good for him!

And we were talking about the monitoring etc that China is doing these days on WeShat, and my own phone being monitored (it’s been that way for years. They don’t quite like people that say it like it is!) and the giant target on my back, and many others there.

And the fact that I don’t, and never have particularly cared.

And here is what my friend said.

“Rahul, they can bully me there, but I’m back in the US now”.

“Let’s see them come here, my Hindu brother from another mother!”

“Actually, you’re not Hindu. But you speak Hindi!”

My friend is nothing if not just as brutally honest as I am, except in a different way, and perhaps that’s why we get along so damn  well, like TWO houses on fire! ?

I then mentioned something that China has been secretly doing, that being picking up “dissidents” (or those they consider as such) from foreign shores such as Vietnam, Thailand etc (curiously enough or maybe NOT, countries that don’t have the clout to stand up to a bully, although truth be told, the last war they fought was with Nam, and they lost big time!).

And in countries like the US, Australia etc enganging in a systemic practice of harassment.

CCP members show up at Universities demanding to sit in on classes. They’re booted out, of course, but the mental harassment for the Chinese students there persists.

But even there, they’ve limited it to their own citizens for the most part.

I don’t think they’d dare to even DREAM of picking up a foreign citizen from foreign shores, I told my buddy.

And he told me what I thought he would. And more!

And this is how I’d feel too.

“Let them come! Let them come to MY LAND, and let’s see what they do then!”

“I am not even going to say a word, and . . . “he trailed off.

And here is the best part, and what made me write about it.

“I’m training daily now, Rahul! I’m getting stronger and healthier! And I’ve got muscle to GO – not just the show BS people flaunt!”

And he’s right.

And I’ve been saying that ever since I met him, and that is why HE, along with Marc the African Silverback Gorilla are the ONLY TWO people I repeatedly mention in my emails (from my circle I mean) – and books and courses.

Specifically Gorilla Grip, where the entire “prologue” contains the part about how I met my buddy.

And rightfully so.

He’s one of the very few people that HAS the grip and then some!

Real strength, real man that can back up their talk (unlike the nutzo who badgered me up and down with emails threatening to “tear me apart” and that I should “stay safe fugly”).

What a bozo.

Hey, Scofield (I know you get pissed at me mentioning your name). I ain’t a hard man to find – and if you want to find me – here I am!

Lets see if you can back your shit up!

And for the nonce, a huge CHEERS to my “brother from another mother” – and all of YOU good fo;lks out there reading it.

Y’all truly make all this worth it!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Here is where you can pick up the system that will build a core like granite on you. A core that will have people wondering if they struck their elbow on a “brick wall”. A core that will have even seasoned fighters saying “I’m wasting my time by hitting there”. Here is where you can get it – Corrugated Core.