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40 buccaneering tips that will add on to what you learnt in Squat 101 – and take your benefits to the NEXT level altogether.
A 100 squats a day truly keeps the DOCTOR AWAY!
The benefits you’ll get from this course
Every benefit you get from following what is mentioned in Squat 101 x 100.
Yes, I could end that here … and not be wrong.
But, here are a few more –
Improved performance in all exercises, even those NON squat related.
Improved strength and conditioning throughout the entire body – and youll BLAST past personal bests on squats like you’ve never imagined.
If you thought 500 squats was a hallowed number, you’ll be aiming for a 1000 now, thats how confident you’ll be feeling after workouts imbibed with these tips.
Your abs will turn into rock solid slabs of GRANITE – oh wait, I hear you say they’re that way already from squatting daily as in Squat 101. Ok, REBAR then! Trust me, this one movements works the core heavily!
Something that might come as a surprise – your GRIP strength will increase exponentially as your leg strength does. Don’t believe me? Test yoursef on pull-ups after a month of getting good, damn good at squats, and tell me how you do!
You’ll naturally have more energy and want to crank out more workouts.
Your WORK output and output in life in general will increase by so much and you’ll achieve so much more on AUTO PILOT it ain’t even funny, but the factor, let me just say 10 or more!
Your thighs will become so strong that you’ll be able to break into a sprint without warming up much as I did today – full speed, cheetah or TIGER style! Literally, trust me, that feeling alone is worth it – sheer POWER, legs PUMPING, heart THUMPING, left fist by chin ready to STRIKE! MAN!
Your derriere will turn into “dimpled” lumps of muscle *that description came from my wife who says the muscles make a “dimpled outline””. Ok, TMI? Maybe. But its also something everyone WANTS!
You’ll eat more, weigh less, a lot less, and put on tons, spades and HORDES OF MUSCLE WHILE you’re AT IT!
Your digestion will improve by leaps and bounds, your ability to assimilate will SKYROCKET, and man – just so much more, I could write all day!
And much more I’m not mentioning here, my friend -these tips are truly worth their weight not just in gold, but in MOLTEN GOLD! Lava, if I may (hey, I have that phone too! Hehe) … and I’m not exaggerating one damn bit in saying that.
These tips – EVERYONE should own a copy of them, period. Its that simple.
Get it NOW.
Rahul Mookerjee
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