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Dear Reader,
Something that we commonly hear – and that I’ve often railed against in the past and continue to do so NOW – is the “I don’t have time to exercise” excuse.
Out of all the excuses that people make for not getting in a good workout – this one is probably the WORST of them all – and this one is the most irritating of them all – at least to me.
The same people that make this excuse usually have time galore to watch the boob tube … or “chat on the phone” – or perhaps watch hours and hours of mindless soap operas either on the Web or the – yes, the idiot box – or discuss politics – or any amalgamation of inane and utterly UNPRODUCTIVE activities listed above.
You always have time, my friend.
I suppose this would be a good place as any to “pimp” my patented 15-25 minute workouts – workouts that leave even the most seasoned of trainees in a pool of sweat on the floor before half of it is over -or in some cases, before the workout has even STARTED … but I’m not going to do that.
Instead, I’ll tell you a bit of a story.
I did a bit of a quick jaunt over to Hong Kong yesterday. For those of you on this list, you remember me telling you about my visits there, I’m sure. It’s about a half day trip all in all if you do things right – about 1.5 hours drive and back – and with immigration, crowds etc, can take a bit of time.
Up until last year and indeed last month, I’d get in a solid workout BEFORE leaving.
But yesterday, I figured I’d do something different. I figured I’d put my “you always have time” theory to the ultimate test – and I did.
I took care of “business” in the morning. Emails. Factory communications. Checking sales on the site. Et al.
Had lunch. Then it was time for the Kong.
And here is what I did.
Instead of taking a taxi to the subway station (about 30 minutes BRISK walk from my place), I just walked – and did so with purpose – briskly.
I was sweating a fair bit upon arrival, and I didn’t grab the nearest bench to collapse.
Instead, I stocked up on 5 liters of water – chucked said item into the backpack – and paced the floor until the train arrived.
When it was time to change from the subway to the main train – and buy tickets etc – I did NOT use the escalator.
I climbed three flights of stairs to “ground level” – and then another steep flight to the ticketing counter – and then another two or so to the “inter city” trains – all the time with backpack in tow.
Did get a curious glance or two from the onlookers “stationed” on the escalators, but hey, I’m used to that!
Once in the Kong, I had to use the subway again to get to where I needed to – and you know what that means, of course.
Stairs,stairs, and more stairs – and for those that rant about TIME, or the lack of it?
Let me tell you, a quick run up a flight – or three – of stairs is FAR FAR quicker than just standing on the escalator which goes at it’s own pace (especially when said escalator is crowded!).
I cannot tell you how many times I bounded up them stairs yesterday and folks that got on the escalator BEFORE me were still on it when I was at the top of that flight of stairs.
This sort of a workout not only boosts your entire immune system from all the huffing and puffing – but also burns FAT like crazy, my friend – and all it requires is one thing – that is for you not to be LAZY!
On the way back from the Kong – it was the same thing, except in reverse.
And as I collapsed in bed last night after a good dinner, I had the feeling of a job well done – or as Brooks Kubik said all those years ago in the “infamous” “Rahul’s hill walking workout from China” email –
At the end of it all, he sits down to a good dinner. And he should. He’s earned it!
So there you have it, my friend. A prime example of how you can integrate exercise into your daily routine.
Without further excuses then – just do it!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – For more on this topic, here is an interesting link – https://0excusesfitness.com/2018/07/05/fitting-exercise-into-your-daily-schedule/
P.S #2 – And while you’re at it, dont forget to pick up your copy of the 0 Excuses Fitness System right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
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