My workouts in the TORRENTIAL downpour …
- Indeed "one for the road", hehe

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(This one was written a while back, but for some reason I did not send it out when I was supposed to. Am doing so now while on “no WIFI” mode, hehe – seems apt, given the nature of what is being discussed -ENJOY!)

The last couple of emails featured a few trips down memory lane – – and today I’ll continue on the same vein, hehe. 

By the way, if you enjoy these sort of emails – – then my “The Old Man I met in China” series will be of great interest to you – – search on the blog, and you’ll find those posts somewhere in the “annals” as well. 

And now, it’s on to the torrential downpours, and outdoor workouts IN those downpours on occasion! 

Often times as I’d climb the hill – – either in the morning, or evenings, the sub tropical part of China that I was in meant that rainstorms and indeed typhoons etc were a common occurrence. 

It was not uncommon, for instance, to see the sky DARK as night – – at 9 AM in the morning due to HEAVY rain – literally as pitch dark as if it were 9 PM! 

And back in the day, I’d be climbing the hill … when I’d hear THAT rustle in the leaves .. .

That wind, ever so slightly cooler … and that FEELING – – the indescribable feeling when you KNOW rain is on the way, and as the winds would start to pick up – people would scatter all over the place, looking for shelter. 

Within a minute or so, the rain would start. 

It would start as a drizzle, and then turn into a torrential downpour so quickly that if you weren’t near any sort of shelter at the first “warning” – – you were – – to put it somewhat politely, or maybe NOT – screwed. Hehe. 

(by the way – for those interested – you can see PICTURES – in all their COLOR and glory, hehe in Eat More – Weigh Less – which you can grab right here – )

Now, being this was a regular occurrence, and being that was my primary workout at the time, this was quite a dilemma. 

No-one wants to work out in torrential rain, but often times, I’d do it. I’d climb up the hill in that downpour – – my shirt literally DRENCHED – – my entire body, actually – – shoes and socks “squelching” out water as I climbed – – and while I wouldn’t always do it the second time around – – if the rain abated for a while – – I would! 

Now, while this might sound hardcore (and it was) – – in reality, it FELT anything but comfortable. 

Your clothes STICK to your back – a mixture of sweat and polluted rain. Your shoes squelch out water. You are drenched – big time – and wiping the sweat off your face does no good, as it’s replaced by more … rain! 

And it wasn’t necessarily cooler either when it rained, so that was another issue! 

And of course, the shoes weren’t any better off for it. I remember having FOUR pairs of hiking shoes – – and they were ALL in a state of ruin at the end of a few months of this, hehe. Still remember them lined up outside my first floor apartment at the time, waiting to dry. 

But it’s the tough things that get us in shape, my friend – -and indeed, not just in terms of fitness. 

Do whats “uncomfortable”, and make it the new “normal”, for instance, in your LIFE – and watch your life change so quickly you’ll be left wondering what exactly happened. 

And that is precisely what happened to me – – in terms of fitness – and my gains! 

Now, last, but not least, before I end this, NO – – I am NOT telling you to go out and exercise in extreme weather like I did. 

Not everyone is that “crazy”, hehe – – and plus it could be DANGEROUS for some of you. 

But I have to admit, there is a certain sort of primeival feeling of accomplishment that comes from getting in workouts like this – day after day – month after month. 

A sense of achievement that CANNOT be matched – or surpassed – by anything else – and on that note, I’ll “leave you be”, hehe. Maybe I’ll write about the times when I hiked that hill – – when I literally felt like I was “breathing fire” hehe. 

But that’s a tale for another time – stay tuned! 

All for now – – back later! 


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – If the above sounds too extreme, well guess what – it IS – and that is yet another reason I put out the 0 Excuses Fitness System where you can get in workouts that achieve much the same as what I did – in LESSER – FAR LESSER – time – and do so all in the privacy of your living room! Find out how right here – – 

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