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What I’m going to say today may come across as somewhat strange, especially considering my last two “explosive” emails on success and how you can expect anything BUT support when you truly venture out on your own and try and do your own thang successfully.
The second of these emails, of course, was posted to my list at the 0 Excuses Fitness site, and you can probably find it there on the blog as well if you look . . .
But anyway, a few years back (and less than a few years actually I believe) I started a venture which was (for all intents and purposes) something “everyone” I told about (and I didn’t tell a lot of people, mind you!) was very hopeful and ENTHUSIASTIC about.
Despite my comments galore about negativity and “black holes of energy” and deflated feelings which often happen after talking about your ambitions to friends and family, even those that are your closest and most well meaning friends, it didn’t happen when I talked about this one venture.
Do you remember the guy who told me it would take 10 years to get my fitness biz going (back in the day)?
Well, the first time he heard of it he smacked his lips and said
“Wow! If you can get that going, and you should try, there is nothing BUT money coming in there!”
And in an ideal world, probably so.
And my wife was of the same bent of mind.
And yet, curiously enough, despite all this seeming support the venture never really took off as it should.
What do I mean?
Well, I discovered something very important – two things, actually.
ONE, that despite that being what I “thought at the time” I was meant to do, I certainly was NOT.
And hey, I’m not blaming myself. I was up at the time with my back against the wall, and had finally gotten a few breaks, and so I couldn’t blame myself for taking what seemed to be the right way out – but it wasn’t . . .
And this ties more into what youre meant to do, of course (or what you were put on this planet to do, if I might say it in a slightly more esoteric fashion).
Napoleon Hill speaks of this a lot in “Outwitting the Devil”, when he recounts numerous past jobs, a lot which paid him well (ditto for business dealings) – and all of them which he inexplicably just up and . . . QUIT, even when he was making a ton of dough at them!
Decisions that often seemed crazy, and people weren’t shy about telling him that either.
And as he tells us about one of the “turning points” in his life, as he puts it – one of his REAL tough times when NOTHING was working for him (the exact opposite, and then some) he speaks of his “other self” reprimanding him for the fact that he was “a stubborn student”.
As he writes,
“Your mission in life is to complete the world’s first philosophy of individual achievement. You have been trying in vain to escape your task, each effort having brought you failure.
You are seeking happiness. Learn this lesson, once and forever, that you will find happiness only by helping others to find it! You have been a stubborn student. You had to be cured of your stubbornness through disappointment.
Within a few years from now the whole world will start through an experience which will place millions of people in need of the philosophy which you have been directed to complete. Your big opportunity to find happiness by rendering useful service will have come. Go to work, and do not stop until you have completed and published the manuscripts which you have begun.”
And I can relate, my friend, and this brings me to my second point, that being that I ignored my fitness biz (and my other writing ventures) for a while (well, I didn’t really ignore ‘em fully, but I did NOT make them the focal point of my life as I should have, with the other things as backup) . . . and I did so when I got that other opportunity I was referring to.
What the Universe had done at that point was to reward me for relentless effort in the face of obstacles, and given me a chance to really go for it – which I had unknowingly and (in PART) squandered, and how, as I worked day and night to get the “other business to grow” (while all the time, I knew that wasn’t my real calling).
As Hill often said,
“Every experience, every setback, every mishap carries with the seed of an equivalent, or greater benefit”.
He goes on to say that this isn’t the seed of eventual success . . . but certainly is the seed from which said plant may be said to GERMINATE eventually!
And I learned a very very important lesson my friend – – something I have never ever forgotten until now.
And this is what I want to pass on to you today as well.
If nigh on no-one supports what you want to do with your life – chances are you’re on the right track.
Anytime it gets “Easier” and people start supporting you (I don’t mean customers, I mean your friends, family etc) . . . well, sorry to say it, but WATCH OUT. That’s a disaster in the making, and this holds true for fitness as well.
What do I mean?
Well, if the average lard ass tells his friends and family he’s getting on a diet of Advanced Hill Training for instance, they’ll probably let out guffaws that could be heard from here to Antarctica and then some.
Or Pushup Central, for that matter.
After all, how could any of that work?
Tell them you’re gonna pound the pavement daily though, and watch heads NOD in appreciation and agreement.
And yet, months down the line when you don’t get the results you want, those same people will mournfully look at you and say “well, we knew you couldn’t do it! So much for your plans!”.
While those that took the former option and weathered the initial (and a lot of it, I admit) criticism are the ones that eventually SUCCEED and how.
And that’s the tale from here my friend. Take what you can out of it – but it’s TRUE, I tell you that much!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – Have you checked out Corrugated Core as yet? With these nuts around the world finally starting to “open things back up”, this might be the perfect time to do so . . .
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