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I cannot BEGIN to explain the way I felt today when I looked at the mirror.
I was watching a re-run of Gladiator, and for some reason I felt compelled to stop the movie right before the fight scenes.
Right before Russell Crowe gets to Rome . . .
For what it’s worth, Gladiator is and always WILL be my all time (or one of my all time) favorite movies. Not just because of the blood and guts and sheer visceral qualities the movie has (that is probably last on the list), but the REALISM behind all this.
The GRIM reality depicted for the slaves, and the JOY of freedom finally and so painstakingly WON.
The SCREAMS of battle, and the cries of “KILL” – and more than the “kill” part, it’s the excitement that the movie is able to whip up in me (and apparently the ROW as well given the smashing hit it was) . . .
Anyway, where was I?
Ah yes. How I felt.
Today was one of my very rare off days from working out, my friend.
Or, I should say it is until NOW.
I don’t know what will happen later this evening (at the time of writing this I’m writing it, but not sending, but I will soon!) . . . but suffice it to say it’s a well deserved break.
And for some reason, the words of a certain “Rajinder Chawla” (I don’t know why I’m naming him, perhaps because it stood out in memory!).
“Make yourself so that no-one can hurt you!” were the exact words, I believe.
And no, I don’t mean “not culpable” by “not touchable”.
I mean, make yourself such that NOTHING can hurt you!
Anyway, again, where was I?
Ah yes, how I felt . . .
. . . Despite what you might think not working out for a day or some time for me doesn’t mean I “treat” and “gorge” myself on my days off.
That would wasting all the effort I’ve been putting in as of late.
I do what Stallone did when getting in shape and probably still does, that being in his own words to treat his body like a “Ferrari” (I can’t remember if it was him that said that or who, but the gist was that you fuel your body accordingly).
If you’re not doing much, you put LESS fuel in it.
Ah yes. Finely turned machine I think Stallone said and I can’t be arsed to Google it right now!
And if you’re doing a lot, put good high quality food in it, and a lot (and not junk!).
And as I do accordingly, I feel GOOD.
The kind of good that comes from being in SHAPE.
The kind of STRONG feeling that comes from being TRULY strong (no I don’t mean “weight lifter” strength!).
The kind of “I can BEAT the world at anything I want to”, or perhaps just, I don’t know, a GOOD, EXHIILIRATING FEELING!
Strong traps. Strong chest. A core than can take punishment, and thighs that can go forever and more.
And while this may sound like I’m tom tomming myself, truth is I ain’t.
Truth is, we can ALL be all what we want to be, and then some, if we only apply yourself.
And no matter what it pays to be in shap my friend. There is truly no other way you can get this sort of a FEEL good feeling going through you.
No other way!
And on that note, I’ll leave you be. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – EXTRA thick bar work and PULL-UPS done for high reps are part of the reason for my “extra, more than usual” feeling good feeling. To learn how to GET there, THIS is the course you need – https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-within-a-matter-of-weeks/
PS #2 – And for you advanced guys out there, HERE you go : https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-stud-to-super-stud-within-weeks/
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