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… no, it’s really NOT about taking a crap! Or maybe it is, hehe.
I dont know.
Thought struck me while jumping rope (afterwards, actually) as I blissed out in a stretch I’ve written about SO OFTEN.
That alone should giv eyou ahint.
But th e other hint (not really, hehe)?
I’m sitting here in shorts and nothing else, and writing this to you without glasses for one.
Do it QUICK!
And so says MR. Quick, and that has more lessons in it than most people reading this will realize.
Back to it though, hehe.
Crap, and taking one blissfully.
And here are the facts with regard to something that most (let’s face it, the majority of the populace is not just affected by mental constipation i.e. Inertia and ZERO FLOW, but the physical aspect too) –
First, it ain’t done by sittign on the porcelain throne.
Not blissfully at least.
And second, taking a crap blissfully is the LEAST of the benefits you can expect while “in this position.
What is it, you ask.
Well, the “Asian squat” I’ve written about so often.
Simply put, you get down on your haunches and squat down.
IF you can hold this position for even a few seconds, or getting there, you’re better off than most in the West who’d be hard pressed to even get into position (remember that was one of the basic fitness tests I put out a while ago in terms of “how long” you could do it!).
And I mean hold the position, hehe.
And third … ?
Something you already know.
Ain’t nothing like feeling “cleaned out from the inside out”.
And jokes and inneundos (if you’re smart enough to pick up on it! ;-)) the point stands.
Simply getting into this position will and can work your entire body like never before my friend.
It will also giv eyou a stretch throughout the entire lower body like never before.
And it’s part of the isometrics I include in the book that never seems to finally “Come out”, hehe.
I know. I know.
OK. I’ll stop!
But really, point begets! Hehe.
And on that note, I’m out. HERE is where you can find more such secrets that will get you in the best shape of your life my friend (but I ain’t gonna say “without trying” to “without breaking a sweat” – if that is you – this ain’t for ya – you need to WORK at it and just DO THE THING!) – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
Truly the best ever.
Not a crap, hehe. The system!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Constipation is also responsible for a host of health issues and added FAT around the waist my friend. Fact. And here are some exercises (one, specifically) that WILL (and read carefull) get rid of constipation WITHOUT you breaking a SWEAT.
Correct. WITHOUT.
You heard me! Truly something for everyone, and if you’re curious to learn more about this, pick up Corrugated Core right now.
PS #2 – Make sure to have the throne nearby, hehe. Especially if you’re reading on it! 😉
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