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Or get rich too, I could say.
Or find a suitable relationship.
Or get better at golf. Or … well, whatever your heart desires, but …
… this isnt about that. Maybe it is, but it isn’t my primary focus.
Anyway, this morning I saw the news.
The sh-news as I like to call it. Because most of it is, well, doo doo.
I’m not saying it’s not true, but virtually all of the news reported on all major news outlets is “massaged” to tailor it to whatever political viewpoint you have. Or to get more clicks. Or views. Or what not.
As Denzel famously said in Training Day …
“You know why I read this? It’s 90% bullshit (this while waving up a newspaper energetically at the coffee shop he’s at with the rookie). But it’s entertainment.”
“You won’t let me read it”, he continues. Apparently the rookie wouldn’t let him read it…
“So YOU entertain me!”
Kinda interesting yours truly brings that up here, eh. 😉
And for those that say “I don’t get it”, well, hold on.
The news was basically nothing new, and something I’ve been saying for months, if not years, and t was basically Secretary of State Pompeo telling India during his recent visit that constant vacillation (he termed it as “hesitation”) wouldn’t bode well for India or the rest of the world for that matter (he worded it differently, but thats the gist).
And he’s right.
And it’s blindingly obvious.
When someone intrudes into your house, do you reach for the shot gun or do you sit him down with coffee and beer while you discuss “if he’s willing to vacate your house”?
I mean something so blindingly simple, and people don’t seem to get it …
.. Anyway, point being this.
I’ve been saying it for months. And now people are taking it seriously.
(I don’t mean people on my lsit necessarily. I’m saying people in general).
Same thing for the plague that China spread. It was nigh on OBVIOUS who spread it and how, and Prez Trump for one has gone hoarse screaming it from the rooftops and yet for the majority of the year there were tons of people who wouldn’t believe it.
“We haven’t seen proof” (when there is PLENTY – they just didnt read it because ah, but facts …_).
Yours truly doesnt make statements on ANYTHING without considering it first, even it’s for a split second.
But (and I don’t say this to toot my own horn), I’m usually RIGHT.
As a buddy of mine keeps telling me after many arguments.
“I know. Yes, you were right”.
And he doesnt say that to flatter me. He says it because its, well, true …
As another friend once told me.
“There are no prizes for being right!”
But are there any for being wrong bro?
And that brings me to my central point. IT ain’t politcs or news.
It’s about YOU.
What if you were to, keeping in mind my track record on FITNESS, and FITNESS ALONE, consider what I have to say about more efficient training methods than pounding the iron for hours at the gym and feeling weak and exhausted for days later.
What if you were to, for instance, take my advice on doing pull-ups (for those that can’t do ’em) – and just DO ’em – rather than argue about “why I say what I do”?
I follow very few people my friend.
One of my Twitter accounts has over a 100 or so followers. For a business I rarely, if ever market (because I don’t really need to. IT finds me!). And I have zero peopel I follow.
And thats just because the vast majority of people don’t INTEREST me in any way, shape or form.
I follow doers.
I Follow those that go by gut feeling. Those that value instinct. Those that LIVE life as opposed to “meander through it according to what someone else wants or thinks”. And so forth.
And back to it – what if you were to take my advice – get down to brass tacks and start DOING? Rather than meaningless posturing and questioning?
The choice is yours, of course.
But would it help you?
I’d say yes – resoundingly so!
And on that booming note, I’m out. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – HERE is where you can pick up the best course on pushups. Don’t “think” my friend. Just effing DO IT. Just BUY the damned course, and get cracking. You KNOW you want to be the guy that can rep out 100 slow pushups in one set at the gyum for one, in perfect form!
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