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Amidst all the “strange” things I say, this one probably comes across as one of the strangest.
The guy who says Pushups are the best darn exercise, BAR NONE! (0 Excuses Fitness – and I still remember how I FELT when I wrote that bit!).
Because it’s true.
The guy who years later (well, a couple of years later or a bit more) created the best damned course on pushups.
A course that people love – and hate.
Just like yours truly, hehe. You either like me or youdon’t. There ain’t no “in betweens” here!
And thats how I like it as well.
Straight up from the heart, being honest and “WYSIWYG” (what you see is what you get).
Now, point being?
Well, for almost a year at a stretch in 2016, I did NO pushups.
I focused on climbing hills and doing pull-ups.
And I got so good at pull-ups during that time (as well as lost about a ton of weight) that I could knock out 10, perfect SLOW pull-ups in my sleep.
Note that I hadn’t even started 0 Excuses Fitness then (that was in 2017).
Yes, I had my other site – but I wasn’t really doing a lot on it.
That, in hindsight, was when I was “experimenting” on my own body with the same techniques I tech you. And thats why I’m “cent percent”, hehe, confident in what I teach.
It just flat out works, and on many of these things, yours truly IS the best dispenser of advice you can EVER find.
I ain’t braggin there.
I’m being flat out honest.
And this ties into what I want to say to many people out there.
LOTS of you are struggling with a particular exercise.
Could be pull-ups. Could be handstands. Could even be the regular pushup for many of you! (in fact it is – and I know this for a fact).
Now, persistence and DOING the thing – YES.
Trying, trying, trying … YES .
But sometimes, it pays to walk AWAY from a certain exercise.
As of late, you guys know what I’ve been doing with my jump rope routine. I do it intensely for one week, then don’t do much of it at all the next.
MASSIVE Improvement in my jumping rope, even for me!
And a new BOOK, of course.
And the same thing applies to you, my friend.
When “stuck” on something – MOVE on to another exercise and focus on that.
Curiously enough, you’ll find that your body “works” on the former exercise while you’re consciouly focusing on the latter.
And that, my friend is one of the keys to getting – staying – and remaining super fit for your entire life!
Do what works – period!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – HERE is where you can pick up Jump Rope Mania! – highly recommened – these variations were done by me in an ultra intense workout on Sunday I believe. It’s four days hence, and I can still feel my calves “recovering”!
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