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So there he was, back like the proverbial bad apple.
After what seemed like years (of being locked up, hehe).
“Glyn has been real active as late”, the message popped up on my dumb phone.
“He wants to say he’s sorry for his behavior”, the message continued.
And a picture showed up, the same one Bozo Glyn spammed God knows how many forums with with ridiculous and racist memes etc …
“He wants me to send you this!”
I still remember what I felt – and thought when I looked at it.
“I’m supposed to burst into tears here and let bygones be bygones?” I wondered, but didnt tell the person …
… and then I felt an insane urge to laugh at th insanity of it all.
Anyway, that was the Bozo early on this year in May, and being I’ve blocked him pretty much everywhere, he tried getting int ouch with me through a mutual contact.
Who I never replied to, and who didnt push it (just as well, hehe).
And then Idid up the email on scorpions which the Bozo no doubt saw.
And he renewed his hilarious rants, attacks, and what not, and while we’ve gone into all that in detail on this list let me ask you ONE thing.
Does that sound like a person who is sincere?
Or honest?
I think NOT in spades, my friend.
I dont care if a person is incompetent, or even lazy. Or just “doesnt get it”.
These, to me are all pardonable.
But DISHONESTY to me is what pisses me off the most.
Lying, dishonesty, cheating, back stabbing, and the rest of the stuff you’d associate with those words, and with Bozo Schofield of course.
And he ain’t the only one either, hehe.
I cannot STAND people that say one thing and do another.
I can’t STAND people that secretly “want” something and yet diss it publicly (note – thats different from “not doing it”).
And I cannot STAND people that use and abuse their friends, and I can stand friends that ALLOW it to happen even more …
And so forth.
Yours truly brutally honest is NOT everyone’s “piece of cake”, hehe.
But with me, what you see is what you get.
You either like me ,or you dont!
And it’s the SAME thing with my courses and fitness programs, and hence the RAVE reviews you keep reading about when it comes to Rahul Mookerjee and his fitness (And indeed any) products.
If I do something, I make sure I do it not just right, but WELL.
UNDERPROMISE, but OVERDELIVER is my mantra, and I think that shines through in all my books and courses …
… And “shameless” self promotion aside, we rejigged our testimonials page today a bit. Check it out, and let me know what you think! Still a work in progress, so much to do so little TIME …
And its back to work on the course on isometrics. Stay tuned!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Be sure and pick up some products HERE.
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