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So if you’re not read my last email on why training to failure isn’t that good of an idea all the time, you better do so now, because THIS is relate to THAT.
Isnt it all?
Interconnected web is what he Universe is, really, to be honest …
But the point here isn’t the Universe. It’s YOU, the reader.
And the hordes of people that will ignore most of what I said about the gumption, hard workouts, getting her done NO MATTER WHAT and everything else in the last email, and focus on the “thats all you do” part.
I can just hear the pissers, moaners, whiners and groaners.
“I have a life! I dont work out for so long! I dont have the time! I’m Bozo Scofield and have an active sex life with my nose buried in … ah, but I’ll leave that be! I can’t workout at that time! It’s too hot! I dont know how you work out in that blazing heat!”
And so forth.
I cannot STAND it when someone responds in that manner.
Just like I can’t stand the bozos in the park that do nothing but lounge about and then tell yours truly “how to stretch”. That happened once too, and the guy in question was a portly MO who couldnt’ stretch down to take a crap if it were to save his life.
Thats how FAT some people are, and thats how UNFIT a LOT OF PEOPLE ARE.
(yes, I body shamed you if you’re int hat category – because guess what – HARD truths need to be said sometimes!)
Curiously enough these are the bozos that prattle on about how gyms are better than bodyweight exercises, and how bodyweight is just good for endurane, and how “theyre too big to do pull-ups” or other assorte drubbish.
But really.
MOST people need a KICK UP THE ASS to – guess what.
And most people haven’t an inkling of what TRUE TRAINING To failure is!
16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections might give you an idea.
“Advanced Hill Training” might as well.
“Animal Kingdom workouts” might as well.
Key is though, you do what you can, and don’t train to failure, but if you’re doing nothing, and if 10 pushups every hour is a chore for you, then you really need to take a step back and re-evalaute what youre doing with your life.
Certain things are basic.
So are certain levels of fitness, and they should be.
I’ve written before about Earlie Liederman’s basic standards of fitness, and most reading this would MISERABLY fail even ONE of those benchmarks.
Can you do 25 dips at a go?
CAN you do a chin up even once, let alone 25 times?
Can you … and I’m adding this – even GET INTO a handstand?
Or do 100 Hindu squats?
OR some of the stretches I mention in Isometric Training and Flexiblity?
All basic levels of fitness according to me, and those that actually did the thing.
True, them workouts I give you are TOUGH.
But I also tell you to tailor them accordingly!
Anyway, the DOERS on this list know what I be talking about.
Charles Mitchell.
John Walker.
And many, many others that I have NOT mentioned here … Indeed LEGION!
The DOERS do. The onlookers gape, stand and watch and do precisely squat all with their own miserable lives other than attempting to make others lives miserable, hehe.
And the bozos, well, they do what Bozos do. I ain’t an expert on that. Perhaps I’ll ring up Scofield and ask!
Longish one I know (dont tell the Bozo that – it might turn him on) – but the lesson is EVIDENT!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System right HERE.
PS #2 – A lot of folks are thrilled that I mention them in my emails. Well – I’m equally thrilled – because it’s always a GREAT HONOR to mention DOERS on this list! Thank you!
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