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It’s funny.
I remember an instance where Marc the African silver back Gorilla was talking about boxing one day.
And getting in the ring with him (I think we were out there doing pull-ups, an dI was coaching him on how to do ‘em).
And while Iwas doing dips, he made the comment about how I could and should do dips with extra weight “like the Rock” does.
And he does!
And of course, the famous “you’ve got that V shape to your back that girls love!”
Anyway, in the midst of all this, he said something else.
“I’m no conditoning guy”, he said. “And I’m carrying more weight around the midsection than I should!”
To be fair, he was …
But to be fair, he also … ah, but we’ll get there soon!
Anyway, he asked me to do the following.
“Get in the ring with me, Rahul!”
I laughed out LOUD.
I’m many things, and good at many things, but boxing with a pro level boxer (and he was almost at that level) is NOT one, hehe!
“I wouldn’t last more than a second”, I said, clapping him on the shoulder.
He looked me over.
“Conditioning wise, you would!”
Well, a year or so later he put me through a boxing workout which left me SPANKED to the bone.
And then once we were done with that workout, we DID get in the ring.
And I remember NOT being able to get my jab up in about round #3 or so.
My shoulders were burning like nothing else, hehe.
The rest of me was hurting, but the shoulders!
From the Shoulders like Boulders guy.
And we burst into laughter midway.
Was a great, great workout, much like the time where Marc’s apartment block elevator wasn’t working, and we decided to hoof it up about 14 flights of stairs (which was actually more like 20 the way those apartment were designed).
With beers in hand … Hehe.
“I could barely hear you breathe”, he said once he collapsed into a chair.
True. IT was easy peasy for me.
But he did the thing!
He GOT her done, and didn’t stop throughout, and for that I gotta give credit where credit’s due.
And thats why he is the AFRICAN silverback gorilla, with shoulders to boot, hehe.
But anyway, point begets.
Conditioning is KEY my friend. In the ring, or anywhere in life.
So is physical FITNESS.
You never know when you might need it!
And while boxing specific conditioning is something that you really have to train with the experts, FITNESS and conditoning in general – and STRENGTH and HEALTH from the inside out is something yours truly is well qualified to teach you, and you SHOULD listen to me on it, hehe.
And thats that for now.
Be sure and jump on the 0 Excuses Fitness train – and get started TODAY!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Pushups are a mainstay of any serious boxer’s routine. And I give you PLENTY to do right here – Pushup Central. Be sure and grab this course now, and check out the reviews while you’re at it too.
(And leave your OWN review post purchase/trial!).
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