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And if your query makes sense, of course.
Insane emails from Bozos claiming to be “Karl Popko” and “Edwin Barker” … ah, but let me paste what the Bozo sent me a while back –
These emails have two purposes. One, to “make fun of” on this site, hehe, which I did a few months ago.
And two, to BLOCK the ip and the sender’s email address (which is usually some spammy email the Bozo cooked up).
Net result – after using the email to sell a few copies of “Pushup Central” … BLOCK!
Not to mention that Schofield couldn’t get a woman if he tried, because … well, women often want the “normal” way of doing things as opposed to the Bozo’s many strange preferences, hehe, and of course with his rants on yours truly being a super stud at pull-ups and “how many girls ask for my Wechat” … well, this was coming.
(And I’ve got private communication on this I might or might not reveal on THIS site in the future. I’ve already done it on another site, and people are having LOTS OF FUN with it, hehe. Not to mention sales be a ROARING, hehe (since that site is themed for that purpose, hehe)).
And I made fun of it.
And truth be told, I dont mind it. Send me more, hehe. Probably one of the best Christmas presents I could have asked for if you get my drift.
Anyway, idiots aside, lets move on to SERIOUS CUSTOMERS – and SERIOUS BUSINESS!
A customer who recently purchased Gorilla Grip (TIPS!) – and Gorilla Grip (The compilation!) (he was the same guy actually who sparked the idea to create a customer account for you guys which I did the same night he asked) had the follownig to ask me.
why the pullups combo is more expensive than the two separate together?
Sage question indeed, except it was expensive as I told him … ah, but let me quote part of my reply here.
Hey Panourgias
Merry Christmas, and hope this email finds you in good spirits! Hope you’re working that Gorilla Grip too, hehe.
For some reason, an email of yours from the 16th just came through – here is what you asked (the subject of the email was “pullups combo”) –
why the pullups combo is more expensive than the two separate together?
Not entirely a bad question that! The price was what it is because the OTHER books are going to be priced more “competitively” (in my opinion, at least) … and therefore the price for the compilation.
For now, the price has been reduced by a whopping $70 as part of a marketing test, so it’s actually CHEAPER now to buy the compilation as opposed to buying the two books separately.
Go HERE to get it – Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD – to SUPER STUD – WITHIN WEEKS! (0excusesfitness.com)
Now, thats the “business part of the email”.
But here’s the lessons or takeaways from this.
First, if you ask me, I’ll usually listen provided it’s a genuine request.
A while ago, a customer wanted paperbacks which I am currently ONLY doing through Amazon. However, he couldn’t afford the price (for now) – but he told me WHY – in a frank, down to earth and HONEST manner.
True son of the soil you are, John Walker!
My type of guy.
And hey, I get it.
And this isn’t all about money. IT’s about helping serious people get in the best shape of their lives.
I did up a huge discount for him – believe me, it WAS huge.
Same thing for Panourgias. Serious inquiry, past customer.
Unfortunately the email he sent on the 16th only came through YESTERDAY.
Actually it was sitting on the server. For some reason, it never downloaded …
Anyway, I responded to him. Luckily yours truly was a techie in a past life!
But if you don’t get responses from me within 24 hours at most (and usually FAR earlier) do email me DIRECTLY at my email address … should work a lot better than using the form.
But the form is great to keep the Bozos like Schofield out, hehe.
Last, but not least . . .
I have decided to go ahead and offer PAPERBACKS on the site as well!!
(Hey, I LISTEN!)
Yes, and these paperbacks may or may not be priced the same as on Amazon.
I might actually do a bit lower – let’s see.
But either way, and just so you know, the books will come from Amazon.
Which means they’re the same as if I printed them myself – except they will be marked as “author copies” – – and they will (or should, at least) be delivered by Amazon.
And … this will work in the interim period until I finally figure out what and how many books to print on my “lonesome”, hehe.
So – there’s the news for today. Enjoy!
It will take a while to update the site to reflect these changes, but should be all done by today.
You SHOULD be able to see TWO purchase options – one for the usual digital instant download, and the other for the paperback.
When it’s all said and done, that is …
The refunds page will be updated to explain this as well.
And thats that for now.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Pick up the compilation on pull-ups right HERE. Truly an insanely LOW price that will NOT last forever!
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