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Maybe I’m just getting to be an OLD MAN. Hehe.
(although I ain’t 40 as yet)
But honestly, it befuddles me. I dont get it.
Kangana Ranaut, self professed (or so it seems, hehe) “angry young woman” in Bollywood had this to say about her childhood growing up (on some sort of talk show or the other I believe).
One day my brother got beaten up while at a cricket match and he came back crying. My dad told him that he wouldn’t be allowed to come back if he didn’t beat up the boy who had done this! So, children were taught violence.
Those were toxic ideas of masculinity, but thankfully, a lot has changed in the last 10 years, and not only in my family.
I dont particularly like or dislike the woman. I’m not a fan, or “not a fan”. I hardly if ever watch movies (“Madam” Ranaut as her team calls her is an actress).
But … to say this is toxic masculinity is just DUMB, dumb dumb.
I wonder what this lady would have advised her brother?
Get beat up and do nothing? (I am assuming it was a bully doing the beating up).
Or, just whine about it at home and “Mama would go to school to complain”?
I mean, it’s STUPID .
I Was bullied a LOT at school growing up, and these silly attitude of “violence” doesnt work being drilled into yours truly when growing up was PART (a huge part) of the reason.
Oddly enough, my Dad once did tell me to give it back to the bullies.
But he never SHOWED me how.
When I DID give it to someone that year, and did the Gorilla Grip YEARS later on some clown’s neck that was bothering me unnecessarily, I got the shit beat out of me (by Dad no less).
Quite literally.
And Dad’s proud of that.
And I’m equally proud to say that that isn’t exactly a case of the goose and gander …
No violence, yet violence, and when yours truly got beaten up, no violence (to the person doing it). And of course, the subsequent remarks of my Dad (on another issue) telling the teachers to “take care of him at school by any and all means necessary” (i.e. Rahul can get hammered on and beaten up all day, but how dare he FIGHT BACK!)
It’s funny. I actually talked to a guy who almost took out my eye in a bully boy fight in fifth grade.
Mama complained about him.
I didnt beat the shit out of him which I should have.
And years later, I asked him what happened.
He didnt even get put in the dog house. It was looked upon as “one of those things”.
Which in hindsight, it likely was, but … yours truly didnt have it that easy growing up, hehe.
Yet another reason on that long list of reasons I never got along with and never WILL get along with family.
(And yet another reason I WILL put the Gorilla Grip again on someone if I have to do it. I dont generally get into fights – I’ll avoid ’em – I’ll even do the black mamba and HIDE if need be to avoid fights (to an extent) – but if I have to, it’s all guns blazing, and trust me, I still remember that mark I put on Bozo moron’s neck years ago, and that was with a WEAK GRIP).
(And no, that didnt by any means stop me from “giving it back” in years to come. Hehe)
My philosophy in life has always been this – DO NO WRONG – and TAKE NO WRONG.
And being I’ve taken plenty, I give it back every opportunity I get and then some.
So should YOU, my friend.
Appeasing bullies doesnt work. I’m pretty sure Ms. Ranaut KNOWS this as well, but its the “curse of Nazi feminism” (not “true” feminism) speaking her.
Look, if someone bullies you, you dont just hit him back.
You give it back in TRIPLICATE so he doesnt bother you again!
Pretty much what is going on now with the infamous Bozo Schofield case, although that makes me laugh to be honest, hehe.
Anyway, to end this.
The story I mentioned in Kiddie Fitness.
My daughter once burst STRAIGHT into tears when I picked her up from school. Some clown who was bullying other kids in the class just slapped her for no reason.
I was there. Kid’s Dad was ther.e
And in front of everyone, I stopped my daughter (then almost 4 I believe).
WHACK him back, I told him firmly.
And I stood behind her, “literally having her BACK”.
Something that was NEVER done for me.
He burst into tears.
And that was the end of that, hehe.
Thats how to do it, bro. And sis!
Another comment I read by this fine lady was how “married men shouldn’t cheat”.
They shouldn’t.
But obviously there was nothing about “married women cheating” (and hordes do).
Apparently Ms. Ranaut thought that “married men cheating with unmarried women is not ok because the woman is not cheating on a non existent husband”.
Right …
But what if the WOMAN KNOWS?
In many cases, she does, and could care less.
(and no, not all women are gold diggers, and NO ,not all men are the type who wouldn’t tell the women they’re married, even when they don’t (ostensibly) have a dime worth speaking of to their name or billions for that matter. Labels and blanket statements do NOT work in REAL life. Shades of GREY – not “black and white” or X and Y …)
Ditto if you reverse genders in the above story.
Point being, goose and gander.
Feminism had this spot on when it STARTED back in the 60’s.
Nazi feminism never did.
And sadly, the world is veering towards the latter …
Anyway, enough on that front. To get the best damned fitness system ever for your kids and get them READY to tackle bullies with VIM, VIGOR, gusto and GUMPTION And a PUNCH TO THE STOMACH – and then some – Kiddie Fitness is your THANG, my brother (and sister!) 🙂
And I’m out. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Even my wife, who’s a feminist to the core pretty much (pretty much also explains why the two of us are like STRANGERS now, what with Mom and her chants of “Rahul is always wrong no matter what!” hehe (which is fine, actually. I’m having fun with it)) says “if hit, hit back”.
Guess not all feminists are on the same page …
PS #2 – This bullies thing holds for FEMALES too. It works both ways – what I Said applied for both FEMALE bullies – and MALE jackasses that do the same. Jillasses and Jackasses, I should say, hehe. And no, to those who will no doubt ask – I’d have told my “son” (if my daughter was “male”) the same damn thing in the same damn manner. Goose and gander – BRO. Ain’t no EXCEPTIONS to the RULE!
PPS – Also, please keep the emotion laden rants on how “I’ma woman hater” away. I’m not, and a quick look at my “history sheet” should give you plenty of evidence to the above but if not, and if someone wants, I’ll do up a thingie on my own view of REAL feminism soon. Come to think of it, I might just do that soon as well! Hehe.
PPS #1 – In the meantime, do check out barnstormer and very ALPHA male (or female) courses on PULL-ups and building them SHOULDERS like BATTLETANKS!
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