A couple of (or maybe more) grip workouts …
- Unusual and "different" should be my middle name!

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I’ll share a few unusual ones with you!

And it’ll probably (knowing me) be MORE than a “couple”.

Wayy back in the day, when yours truly was BROKE as a …. whats the expression?

I can’t recall.

But broker than broke, and couldn’t afford a washing machine (this was a while back, actually – wayyy back a few years ago).

Well, I shouldn’t say that. I should say couldn’t afford a NEW ONE.

We had a washing machine, sure. But the damn thing broke.

And being we couldn’t afford one at the time, for a period of a few months, we were left doing it “by hand”, which means we’d soak the clothes in the machine but then someone (usually yours truly would literally “lift” the clothes up by hand – out of the water – and back in several times).

A sorry version of the machine “cycle” but it worked for us at the time … somewhat. I still remember the detergent stains on some of my blue workout shirts that didnt go away!

It wasn’t so much a big deal in summer as it was winter though in the freezing cold and even more freezing WATER, and a cold ass shed outdoors, and a NARROW space, and when you bang fingers or stub toes … YIKES!

I’m actually tittering about it now. Wasn’t back then though as these duties usually fell to .. .yes.



But it was a great grip and waist workout if you did it right.

And a great way of squirting life’s lemons back in the eye as well…

(it only lasted a few months thankfully)

(those were some loooong months though!)

Anyway, or the massage girls I’ve written about it in china.

You wouldn’t think those tiny massueses are strong.

But oh hell yeah, they are.

Reportedly some of those foot massage places “train” the girls to have those strong plier like fingers that literally elicted screams of pain from yours truly “macho” when he went in there (though I felt great later!) and one of the many ways they do it?

500 fingertip pushups a day.


It’s true.

And it’s a great workout unto itself. Most likely the numbers are closer to a 100 or so, but still!!

(Chinese massages are GREAT for RECOVERY from hard workouts so long as there ain’t no hanky panky involved, hehe. Yours truly “bad boy” has been on both ends of that, so he knows. LOL)

(And it was the first thing he told his wife about as well when they first started chatting. Nothing if not brutally frank!)

How dare I, is what she told me. LOL Again!

Anyway, those are two.

#3 involves nothing but a railing, and contrary to what you might think doesn’t involve much squeezing of the railing either though you could do it, of course, if you wanted to.

What it does involve is something you won’t necessarily associate railings with…


It involves a bucket of RICE. And some of the toughest grip workouts I’ve had include just that – and do NOT include either cooking or eating the rice!

Well, my friend, I said a couple and I think we’re at 4.

These, and many more solid grip exercises, some of which you’ve never heard of are mentioned in Gorilla Grip – and Gorilla Grip (Advanced).

Be sure to pick ‘em up, and start building the grip of your dreams TODAY.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – That “kung fu like grip”, as I like to say!

PS #2 – Remember to pick up the definitive course on pushups (great way to work the grip) right here: Pushup Central.

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