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I’m not exactly in the best of moods for reasons mentioned in the last email.
The more technology seems to advance, the less it actually DOES.
And the more you invest in something, the more it seems NOT to work – tech wise.
For instance, the emailing I do doesn’t quite work so well on the phone, so it is back to ole Winblows. UGH.
When it’s fixed that is….and right about now, I think I’ll take a goddamn HAMMER to the damn thing.
“at least you can fix it”, I can hear people saying. No Charles, you’re not the only oen there either!!
Maybe I can. What price the aggravation tho bro? The repeated installs that take forever, constant downloading programs etc ..??
Losing data on a wonky, crappy CHINA made HDD…
Yes, I WILL say it. Chuba made!
China, I mean. Lol. Not china plus Cuba.
Anyway, the post view counter was recently reset to almost zero by yours truly. Its one of those blink and you’ll miss it things. Right at the bottom of each post. Bozo Glyn with his bottom fetish gas likely seen it.
Has, lol, although the Bozo Is used to gas too. Ugh.
Contrary to what some might think it ain’t there either for vanity purposes or Tom tomming the number of hits the sites get etc.
In fact, the less the better.
If people look at the low numbers and get turned off, well, that’s a good thing because I wouldnt them anywhere near the site anyway in that case.
More –
If you’re Bozo Schofit reading this, gnashing his teeth in thy padded cell, or of his ilk, passing this on to your troll buddies, then guess what. Post counter won’t count your views. Neither will it count anything from an IP (there are two as of now) the Bozo uses…
Ditto for those that keep refreshing the page.
Ditto for me, when I keep fixing and changing things around…
I’d rather less, not more, and fitness wise, other than this obvious bit which you know already but I wanna say again, how does it apply?
Well, less, not more…
And two, quality.Over quantity.
I can make 10 pushups harder than a 100.
Really. I can!
And I can certainly make ONE pull-up, that exercise everyone wants to do, and the gym Shimmers ape and try desperately to do before dissing it as “just bodyweight” … WAY harder than anything you do at Jim Shim.
Really, I can.
And since I’m getting tired of this phone shit, back to the computer for now. Once I fix it!
In the meantime, be sure to pick up Pushup Central right HERE.
A course that has been rattling cages ever since I created it and getting people into great, great shape.
And it looks set to keep doing just that!
Rahul Mookerjee
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