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Not just because they banned Trump, no.
That happened WAYYY after my decision.
For whatever reason and those on this list know it, at around the beginning or so of November I done got the red ass with social media sh-media- and the massive and mammoth WASTE of time it is with Bozos that don’t have the intelligence of a cow even.
Or something like that.
(but apparently some of these bozos like “cows”. Anyway…)
But really.
Or, Shitter as I like to call it.
The 150 character limit is great for keeping things pithy, but not everything can, and other than trolls, I see no good reason why anyone should have Shitter.
I Call it that because more so than other social media Twitter has ONE thing going on.
A bunch of idiotic, shallow, doo doo like comments.
Am I saying the 160 or what not limit cannot be used well?
Sure it can.
Alan Murray, my last “boss” (though to be honest, he’s more like a good friend, hehe) at a job I worked (for reasons other than money) once said his “eyes watered” when he saw my loooooonnnnnnngggggg posts on WeShat.
(Alan is featured on the testimonials page too!)
(the ONLY “boss” I’ve EVER featured, hehe, though “Gabriel” might make it too, heh).
Admittedly I sent him a LOT of messages. Visas. This. That. School. And so forth.
But, even so his responses were equally crisp and to the point!
He’d answer everything – – in a couple of lines, and he has that skill from YEARS of doing BUSINESS.
Real business.
When Bozo Schofield in a very underhand manner tried trolling HIM too, he asked me who it was.
I sent several lengthy explanations.
Alan replied with this.
“Got it! Blocking him now”
If there were people like that on Twitter, I’d be on it.
But if there are, I haven’t seen ‘em!
Twitter is mostly to me a massive gigantic SHITTER – a waste of time!
Anyway, where was I?
Ah yes. Long posts.
A lot has been made about “customers not wanting to read long form stuff”.
That your emails should be pithy.
I call FOOEY on that.
I’ve never adhered to what people think is short or long in ANY Regard.
And Glyn if you’re reading this, it ain’t what you’re thinking either.
I say it any which way I please, and thats usually VERY LONG. (by most people’s standards).
And for the sort of people I wish to attract, and do attract to my website, it seems to be working just fine. Hehe.
Anyway, this has gone on for too long, so I’ll end here. But you get the point, eh.
To get some pathbreaking, bestselling products that will you get in the great shape you’ve always wanted to be, the best of your life, go HERE.
(long form, hehe).
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – I jumped ship before the sham of an election results were announced. Foreboding? Probably!
PS #2 – and no, banning Trump doesn’t mean anyone forgets. I’ve written about this GALORE before. Banning anything only intensifies the movement. Prohibition being one PRIME example …
PPS – Yours truly? Jobs? Alan was the ONLY reason I took that job – for a few months – if you need any more convincing as to the “hidden sales talent” in the dude which he unconsciously used, THAT is it! Great, great guy – one of the very best!
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