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There are many, but I’ll cover one. The most important one.
And as I wrote about the “Senorita” in a post prior to this (I believe that email should be hitting your Inbox right about NOW) – I gotta say it HERE as well.
For background, you’ll have to go through the other email.
But really.
The parallel, you ask. Getting right to do the meat of why Sch the Tro obsesses about “how many girls asked for your WeShat today” and other rubbish and “Edwin Barker” sends me a dozen emails about daily saying “you be a good looking guy, and I have a small bla bla and my wife laughs at me” (really, if YOU are laughing – the Bozo sent me that email too!) . . .
(meat – pun not intended)
It’s this my friend.
You attract who you ARE – and what you LIKE.
Not what you THINK you like.
What you subconsciously like at your very core.
The SUBCONSCIOUS mind, my friend, is the seat of ALL power – and – I REPEAT – ALL ACHIEVEMENT man makes in ANY sphere of life (or woman, or in between, or what have you).
You can liken it to the famous “elastic band” (in India some call it “rubber band”, hehe) theory that Dr. Maltz rightly proposed in Psycho Cybernetics.
Your subconscious mind determines the “limits” to which the band can be pulled.
If you consciously “force” yourself to do or believe in something, but the REAL seat of power doesn’t, guess what.
You’ll eventualy “snap” back to what you TRULY, deep down inside, without even knowing it believe in.
And the limits etc associated with that.
There is a reason I REVAMPED the book on pull-ups – Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS! And put in visualization in there.
There is a reason I’ve done so in 0 Excuses Fitness.
And so forth.
Most will SKIP it.
BIG, BIG mistake!
Fitness, language, women, everything and anything it applies. I even give you the example of “Tracy” an English student of mine who improved SO rapidly in English once she was with me that it beggars the imagination.
Not carol.
Carol was a different case. Principles behind her success were the same too!
And curiously enough she is mentioned in the book I talk about on the other site.
Now, believe it or not, I’ve never had trouble attracting women in any way, shape, nature or form.
I don’t chase ‘em. I try and not give ‘em my contact details. I try and be ME – i.e. a CAVEMAN. \
And yet, as you know. Hehe.
My Dad once made the comment in college about “I’m sure the girls will still find you cute if you cut your hair”.
My hair, long or not, has NOTHING do to with it, and never did. HA!
Thats a personal preference for yours truly caveman.
Anyway, when I Was fat – same thing. No problemo.
And the point of me saying this isn’t for you to be fat, or find an excuse to be so.
It’s to say you will ATTRACT what you REALLY want.
Deep down inside, I wanted the fit body of my dreams.
Guess what.
I got it.
Guess what.
I got it.
But the secret behind all this wasn’t in my physical “doing” so much as “how I did it”.
I wrote about this in 2018 in an “it’s not WHAT you do, but HOW you do it” email I sent to all on this list (those of you that were on there at the time – those not – do a search, and you should find it on the blog).
And how, my friend can only come if you are SUBCONSCIOUSLY convinced that what you’re doing – the path you’re taking – is the right one for you.
And it could be fitness. Money. Women. Anything.
I keep telling people it’s not about looks or anything else. We all want looks, sure, but the real secret has got nothing at all to do with it.
Vibes, my friend.
And the point of me saying this isn’t (again) women, but to tell you that to attract any sort of result in life, it starts with your THINKING.
The subconscious mind.
It’s something I tell EVERYONE on my coaching calls, and it’s something I “rant” about in my products.
And if there is ONE MOST USEFUL thing I could EVER tell you, it is that (what I just told you).
If you really, really, REALLY, REALLY want it – you’ll FIND a way to GET IT!
(often times WITHOUT, and in my life, ALWAYS, “conscious thought”).
Have at !
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Be sure and pick up “one of my best courses ever on turning you into a BEAST – super human level” right here – Animal Kingdom Workouts.
PS #2 – The “if you really want it” axiom holds true for getting products etc too – and my customers are livin PROOF of that FACT!
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