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Well, well, well.
I’ve spoken about THAT job before, havent I?
Yes. And I’ve ranted so often about it that along with the “Grip training is more important than breathing” than an irritated former friend of mine (admittedly too “big” – NOT – the REAL descriptor is FAT- and he knows it – and has SAID it – but again, how dare I “pimp” my products that WORK and make money eh) analogy, or TRUISM (grip strength is one of the most important things to work and build, period!) – – you’ll probably find the name of the company which I have NOT mentioned “emblazoned” on thy TOMBSTONE. LOL.
Six feet under, and still not free from “ye cavemen sending ye emails”.
OR was that 12. Hehe. I dont know. Haven’t planned, and don’t intend on it!
But it’s funny, my friend. It’s real funny, but at a job before that, there was this stocky, well set dude named “Ganesh”.
Which is not just a popular Indian name, but also the name of the one of the most revered Gods (at least in the Hindu culture it is).
His idol is there everywhere and I believe along with the somewhat more “svelte” “Laxmi”, who is referred to as the Goddess of Wealth (China too has something similar, I believe) – I believe he’s more the guy you worship when something “auspicious” should happen.
Right, I know. I’m IGNORANT when it comes to religion.
I’d rather it be that way, hehe.
I believe in the Universe, not man made rubbish.
Anyway, so his idol. This dude has an “elephant snout” and the first thing you notice about him is his mammoth BELLY.
Much like the Belly of Buddha in China … yes, China has an equivalent for that too, except wth different shaped eyes. Whoever said the Chinese weren’t the best is an idiot. They’re the best at COPYING from other countries, most notably India and the US.
Anyway, point is he’s often got Indian sweets stacked in front of him, that belly growing even more “ginormous” by the day.
Yours truly often thought, even when growin gup and when I saw it – why not reduce thy SWEET INTAKE?
Heck, even the cute little mouse he sits on would be a healthier alternative.
Point – and getting back to it, dude at the job before that.
He was a humble enough guy …
And laughingly, one of the other guys “Mr Rawat”, a swarthy, burly man who I always liked from the word GO called him the following.
“Bhagwan JI!”
The first word means “God”.
“Ji” is apparently used to signify respect.
And in a satirical manner, and a manner remniscent of Gussie Fink NOttle (Bottle)’s tales in the Jeeves series, Aunt Dahlia and such, we would all call him that.
But point of this (several, I know).
Is that it was obviously said in jest.
But when I look at one of the so called experts, or perhaps a China tom tommer, or a Nazi feminist, or someone that doesnt do the thing and tells others how to do it (a prime example being people who’ve never earned a cent in their lives telling OTHERS how to do it and so forth) … you know what I think?
I used to get ANGRY.
I used to STEAM at the gills.
I just think the following.
“Bhagwan JI”.
The Jim Shim crowd speaking out against bodyweight exercises is the most useless and idiotic form of free speech I’ve ever seen (sure, I dont want to ban it tho!).
I mean, here you have LARD ASSES that can’t even hold to the chinning bar – complaining about “how others tell them to learn how to do pull-ups” when those others are champs at pull-ups – with bad genetics, and yet they DID it despite all odds!
“Despite all odds”
That was also supposed to be the sub title for that story of my life I wrote about on the other site.
You have corpulent versions of the Buddha (he’d be shocked, as would Ganesh, as what the human male has turned into) ranting about how “the bear crawl is too easy”, and “I dont want to get into that squat position because it’s boring and worthless”, and yet, when you ask ’em to do it?
They CAN’T do it.
And as the lard floateth in front of my eye, I remember what Matt Furey once said in one of his emails or something.
“Have you ever noticed that the people that yammer the most have the biggest bellies?”
(I’m saying this from memory, so it might not be verbatim, but it’s what he said basically).
And to end this whole God like tale off, here’s what my wife counseled me on this morning (or she TRIED, at least, as best as she could).
Apparently from what I understand she’s having “stomach issues” again.
Remember the bazillions of trips we made to “el doctor” for that, things NOT Necessary?
I was told by my parents (at the time) that it might be a mental issue.
Of course, these same people told me yours truly has mental issues, and sent me to a giggly “shrink”, who if nothing else giggled away with me as I told her stories.
(One time, hehe. Even shrink get tired of non existent “issues”. LOL)
Nothing if not the male version of Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct am I, and I’m proud of it, hehe.
(minus the Bozo like craziness)
But anyway …
I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’ve had TONS of stomach problems int he past.
All resolved by the right forms of exercise, and doing the OPPOSITE of what the experts advocate (and naturally, that is what my wife does i.e. what the bally experts advocate).
How dare I say a word against the experts with their expanding bellies, shrinking “you know what’s”, zero libido, and flatulence galore from too much junk int he trunk.
Apparently this flatulence is “kosher” to release anywhere and everywhere, and is “how you resolve IBS”.
So I was told.
By who, well, we’ll keep that an open secret for now.
So it goeth, my friend.
That BRICK WALL is looking increasingly attractive by the day! 😉
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – In terms of getting rid of digestive issues, IBS, the rush to find a toilet everywhere you go (believe me, yours truly KNOWS what it BE like) – proper EXERCISE is key. Get on the ONE course out there that will SOLVE these problems once and for all – right HERE – Corrugated Core.
Hey, despite her rants against yours truly, you’ll see HER in some of the exercises too! LOL. Prime example of, … 😉
PS #2 – Jim Shim “Bhagwan JI’s”, do pray get into the HOLY position right here, if you CAN . . . ya know. A little “upside down” never hurt anyone, did it?
PPS – But seriously, for you “God fanatics” out there, the SWAMI pull-up – yes, an unique take indeed – will not only give you the “boost” you’re looking for “there’ – but also a HIP FLEXOR workouts from HELL while doing pull-ups. Jump on this course NOW, and start your journey to SUPER STUD level at pull-ups TODAY my friend.
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