I’m yet to understand why when I say it like it is, it’s personal, but when the other Bozo does, its supposedly “fact” and not “personal”?
- Maybe the smart 'uns can EXPLAIN it to me, hehe.

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I should say person. Not Bozo.

But really, everyone and anyone thats ever said that not just to me, but in general is nothing but a BOZO el SUPREMO.


I remember my old boss at THAT job telling me that during “round 2”. Hehe.

After hiring me on at a salary lower than before to “teach me a lesson” (Which admittedly I needed to learn, it was this – “you’re not cut out for JOBS” – that inner voice kept telling me, like it did Napoelon Hill. True to form, I found nothing but misery in most of them jobs. China ones were interesting though but NOT for reasons you’d think, but hey, I quit those too. Ugh), after praising me roundly during “round one” saying “I was doing a great great job” and then when it suited him doing an about turn and saying “I did nothing at all” (when I asked him for more munee, his response was “train your future potential replacement” who was hired at a salary higher than me, brought in a – I ain’t kidding – sum total of ZERO “sh” ero sales – and so forth) …

(Speaking of which, the next guy made the comment about “the guy who took …. from Zero to Hero!)

(and hence the book. All true stories!)

Where was I?

If you’re Alan reading this, I don’t blame you for saying “Jesus, Rahul” upon reading this. LOL even if is NOT on a dumbFONE.

(They called me Jesus back in the day too, as I wrote about before!)

But anyway, I don’t understand one thing.

Actually I do, and everyone whose ever DONE something of note has said it.

What if the tables were TURNED?

Dont think for a minute, my friend, the other man won’t get “personal” if you let him.

And I didn’t get personal.

I simply refused to give my direct so called boss “face”.

I’m sure he ranted up a storm, but I didn’t not give him face on the Internet, or phone, or what not. I did it in person. So much for the idiots who claim I never say it in person.

Showl I do.

Without a goddamned mask at that.

And I said it in person to … except, he was the big boss.

So he tried to “rip me a new one”.

Dropped the hint about “if you want to quit, and never thought I’d take it”.

I did.

I quit that same evening, and the look of sheer astonishment on his face made it all worth it. Hehe.

But back to it.

Just why the hell is it KOSHER for a politician or like facsimilie thereof to spout their own nonsense, but yours trulyu can’t state fact?

Because facts HURT.


And I ain’t job shobbin here either.

I’m talking workouts.

The FACT is this (when it comes to pull-ups)

Everyone, men especially WANT to do ‘em – and well!

Precious few can.

Even fewer are willing to invest in the RESOURCES that will get ‘em there preferring instead to “piss in the wind” and hope the Jim Shim willg et ‘em there while pretending about being “big guys” and not “fat” which they are.

Why just pull-ups?

EVERYONE, possibly even MORE people want to be called Mr. Handstand pushup.

(and a solid character)

EVERYONE wants to be likened to a movie star.

EVERYONE wants to live life on their own terms.

(and if you deny it, youre  LYING. Simple).

*which is fine, of course*

Ah, the jealousy. I can feel it, and I love it. LOL.

But really, fella.

You’d be far better off taking action to improve your own situation and then gab about it.

That ole thing about people that gab the most have the most humungous bellies …

OK, enough gab “shab” from me, hehe.

Pick up the compilation on pull-ups HERE and the one on shoulder building HERE.

Best and greatest training books ever!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – and yes, for the nth time, do leave HONEST reviews! (even if they’re not 5 star. I don’t care – honest is what I want).

PS #2 – The lovely Carol was the smartest, hehe. 

“You no need job!” 

Sage, hehe. Chinese gals are nothing if not CANNY when it comes to munnneeeeeee…

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