More on women and INSANE RANTS

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I gotta say it.

I mean, really.

What often happens at my mom’s “citadel” (her “house”) in fact when someone rings the doorbell?

Well, what would you think?

You open the door, of course.

And if you’re on another floor or something which yours truly “if” he is, you wait for the DOOR to open.

When it does, you let the person in.

Simple goddamned common sense, ain’t it?

Especially considering the constant rash of rubbish (well, not really) about “crime rising” my wife gives me, and the TRUE STORY of (people still ask me about it!) someone “almost stealing my Mom’s jewelery or something using JUST THIS PRETEXT i.e. “ringing the doorbell” and …)

(Dont ask me. I wasn’t there!)

But it happened.

And yet, these days apparently when delivery guys and what not ring the doorbell, one doesn’t even ASK or wait for the door to open.

One just apparently “sends them up”.

I mean, really.

The most basic of things seem to be (for some women, and men as well – some) “uber complicated”.

Like John said, arguing with them is like arguing with a BRICK wall.

But I don’t.

I sit in my citadel. Hehe.

And yet, they come to me. …

Enough said. I give up.

But point of this short rant?

Well, it’s this.

So sayeth “Mr Rant” as a certain left leaning idiot once called me.

That … it’s the same idiocy when it comes to fitness.

You tell them what works, and what is sensible, and they don’t do it.

You tell them HOW to get better at pull-up, and they hempth and haw and look the other way.

You TELL Them the KEYS to superfitness and they burble about Jim Shim.

And the “experts with mammoth bellies of Buddha”.

I give up.

John, you were spot on in that the BRICK WALL MAKE MORE SENSE!



Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pick up some great products HERE.

PS numero TWO – But of course. The brick walls just told me (in some way, shape or form) that yours truly has no common sense.

Of course, what can I say.


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