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Well first off, if you’re asking this question in the first place, I gotta tell you this site is probably not for you.
But just in case it’s a genuine question, here goes …
Pull-ups, my friend, are not just a supreme test of man (or woman – and indeed, many of you ladies do pull-ups WAY better than the “hulking males” out there, especially those on ‘roids etc – and no – the half pull-ups to show off don’t count, guys!) strength – REAL man strength – and I suspect you already knew that – and fitness in general, but also a SUPREME And far better indicator of how much FAT you’re carrying around the midsection.
Yes, you heard me.
If you can’t do pull-ups, but can lift weights etc – do deadlifts – chances are excellent and second to NONE you’re FAT – and you’reNOT functionally fit in ANY way.
In other words, those pipe dreams of “lifting that person out and throwing him out of the window with “brute one time strength”” might be well and good, but if you ain’t got the core stability or strength you won’t be able to do it, period.
Or if you can. You’ll injure yourself.
And “phat” guys out there that can do pull-ups?
Are FAR and few in between.
In my case, yes.
But then again, as my friend from the Marines said “you’re exceptional!”
But even yours truly dropped tons of flabbage post that period, didnt he? And got to SUPER STUD level at pull-ups …
Although I must admit, it was fun having the “Rambo” comments directed at me when I got pissed off with bozos interrupting my workout (during my “big days”).
Which happens quite a lot of course. The Christian missionary, or pseudo version of the same I wrote about is one of that ilk too …
What an idiot!
“Work your mind more”, is what he said.
“Why are you working your body?”
Some questions are too stupid to answer, my friend. And the “taut” nature of my back muscles probably answered it better than in words, because he took off for the hills shortly thereafte r(was literally GONE WITH THE WIND) without me saying ONE word back to him!
True story.
No, he wasn’t a small dude either.
But anyway …
My 7 year old (I call her 4, because she’s just so cute, hehe, but she always corrects me!) – her of Kiddie Fitness – and WAY fitter than most kids her age is getting REAL good at handstands to the point she’s starting to straighten her legs out fully.
(Yes, my daughter STARS in the course. Hehe. I’m teaching her early!)
But pull-ups?
She can barely hang on to the bar …
In her case it’s excess FLATULENCE and a weak grip as opposed to anything els.e
Plus, of course.
Handstands cause the blood to flow to her cheeks, and the minute I told her “honey you got those cute little pink cheeks with spots!” was the minute she decided to get darn good at them.
I Ain’t found an alternative for the pull-ups, except asking her “what exercise does King Kong (she loves the movie) do the most?”
And of course, she thumps her chest.
Big time.
And their enthusiasm and ZEST for life daily.
Even during these times.
And thats how it should be, but back to pull-ups? They’re the ONE exercise that for YOU, the adult, does a far better job of determining if you’re FAT – and if you’re not, the you’re WEAK.
I dont care how much weight you can hoist, bro.
Or how many deadlifts you can sneak in.
If you can’t do at least FIVE perfect pull-ups, and believe me most modern day men can’t even HANG On to the bar, let alone do ONE perfect pull-up without screaming in agony, then you’re simply pathetic.
Sorry. It had to be said, and I am now!
Not to mention, if (and as so many people do) you let your kids get to the point where they are bloated messes at the age of 5 or so, barely able to run from one end of the park to the other.
Lockdown shockdown my ass.
Kids learn by EXAMPLE.
Set a good one now.
So says “Pull-up Champ Papa“, and Mr. HandStand pushup.
Somethings, even my worst detractrors will never say anything against, hehe. (the second term).
And those in the know – well – keep doing the thing – you’re a rare breed!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – If you’ve been wanting to pick up the compilation on pull-ups, do so NOW. Or, you could pick up the two separately as well (that might work better for some of you).
PS #2 – Remember to check out Barnstorming Shoulders too – another solid course worth it’s price in many spades and then some. But yes, the paperback is expensive. Not for everyone, I get it. But if you’re truly serious – well – you’ll find a way!
(so says yours truly “happily ex lard ass” who always has, and if I can do it, you can).
(I’ll wait for the DOERS to get back to me on this, hehe)
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