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Ohhhh kaaaayyy.
So, in the winter of – or I should say, Chinese New Year period of 2018, yours truly injured himself doing handstand pushups for the second time.
The first was that nasty “in and out CRACK!” thumb injury.
And the second when a poodle chose fit to lick me on the TIP of my nose when I was banging out handstand pushups! Ugh.
I was bleeding considerably that day, but finished my workout. Never let anything interrupt a workout unless it’s really warranted!
And almost on cue, there it was born.
The idea.
And as we all know, or should know, and as Napoleon HIll famously once said.
The time to act upon ideas is NOW. Every minute that the idea remains “stillborn” is more time for the idea to DIE out. Ideas need action, and immediate action!
(not verbatim, but thats the sum and substance of what the man said in Think and Grow Rich, and it’s a truism yours truly has followed all his life)
(this doesnt mean you’ll become a millionaire instantly upon doing so, for the wackos who think that’ll happen. NO).
Thats not what Hill meant.
But anyway, so therein was born one of my FINEST courses ever – Advanced Hill Training, which while shot on the HILL, you dont need an actual hill to do it.
Truly one of the jewels in the Mookerjee “crown of books” …
A hilly park works.
A flat park works.
Stairs work.
Subway or metro station stairs work even better!
Or subway, if you prefer calling it that. Heh.
And this little course didnt get much attention until … I rebranded it to suit what it does best, which is to Eat More and Weigh Less.
With real proof – numbers etc included!
But, that name attracted more bozos and trolls.
Glyn for one, of course.
But Schofield isn’t the only one who took a liking to that photo, hehe.
But more than anything else, it attracted IDIOTS, not DOERS.
So last year, I changed it back to the original – Advanced Hill Training, and I’v enever been happier despite LESSER “number of” sales on that one.
To give the course some luvin’ – – truly one of my best ever – go HERE.
It’s simple.
The old man I met in China has put his seal of approval on it too!
(and you know when he does, he means it!)
But most of all, it contains exercises you’ve seen before – yet the way I do ’em – you’ve never seen it before in ANY of my courses.
Truly profound if I might say so myself, especially when I teach you how to WALK (of all things! How DARE I, hehe) correctly …
And it’s well worth it, I must say!
To check it out – go here.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – More insane fat loss can be achieved via another nifty little tool – the JUMP ROPE!
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